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地震的英语作文 篇一


earthquakes may take place anywhere on the earths surface. during all earth quake, the vibrations make the earths surface tremble, and even crack open. houses fall, people are lilled or injured and sometimes whole cities are destroyed.

can we do something to protect ourselves against earthquakes? can we take precau tionary measures? we can. scientists have made investigation on earthquakes. they have made maps showing the "earthquake belts". in areas along these belts, earthquakes are likely to occur. in these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks and protect ourselves.

in the future, scientists will be able to predict eactly when and where earthquakes will take place. then they will be able to tell people to take precautionary measures. thus lives can he saved and damage can be lessened.

地震中考英语作文 篇二

May 12 is my unforgettable day. At least two o'clock, I and the students to participate in the chorus in the school music room quietly waiting for music teacher, suddenly, we invariably feel the classroom floor in a slight vibration, and instantly, tables and chairs with the move Up, shock more and more obvious.

Sixth grade a female teacher flew over us loudly shouting: “fast leave, the earthquake, went to the playground !!!” I rushed out of the music room to run on the third floor, the entire teaching building has been unable to control swing , I would like to run along the straight line, the whole body is shaking with the shock, feel that they become the game “badminton” sound East hit me, I am extremely nervous, usually just a few minutes away from the foot seems to become particularly long, suddenly two Floor and the third floor of the corner I saw the teacher, desperately shouting students, went up the gestures, went to the bridge to see a row of teachers mouth whistle, like the training of neat gestures in an orderly manner Commanded us to the playground center, the rest of the teachers shuttle between the students and the classroom, and some are sitting around the lower grades students ran into the team, and some do not understand the students to watch back to the team, and some in the appease panic Crying students, and some side shouting: “someone?” While in the classroom, the toilet looking for missing students shaking still continue, but there are teachers around me no longer Feel afraid, and slowly calm down, and finally found my class, when you see because the evacuation of students sweat, panting but still count the number of teachers and teachers Lu, I was feeling like to find a safe home , See the father and mother.

At this time the thirteen primary school playground showed a never seen the scene: all the teachers one by one surrounded by a large circle, we close to more than three thousand students all around, forming a solid person Wall, I suddenly remembered the animal knowledge of the book by the wild wolf attack cattle, they will immediately encircle, the old and sick cattle on the inside, strong cattle around the resistance to the wolf attack. Liao teacher and Lu teacher for their own students are not because of the shock of falling objects hit, even bowed his body ride “bridge”, so that students in the classroom from their “bridge” ran, after Liao teacher said lightly : “This is normal, really want to die, but also our teacher!” At the moment of the earthquake, the teacher did everything is so natural and true, let us touch tears.

地震的英语作文 篇三

Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province.

It’s reported that the earthquake was so strong that it has caused 68,109 deaths and 364,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed and as a consequence, more than five million people are living a hard life now. Just imagine how the students there need help and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon.

People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not excepting us. Here Students’ Union calls on everyone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and bring your used books, mp3s or something else to sell in the bring-and-buy sale. All the materials and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake stricken areas as soon as possible. My fellow friends, “blood is thicker than water”(血浓于水). Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation.

We believe miracles can be created, a great many lives will be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved. That’s all. Thank you!

地震英语慰问信 篇四

Gansu-Dingxi, the pain in my heart!

Perhaps orroent, the people must be calm, united, cooperative, and es! The officers and men have also paid tribute to the people!

Let us pray for the bliss of the devastating areas and bless them safely.

Bless our country safe!

地震的英语作文 篇五

In at 2 PM on May 12, 2008, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake happened in sichuan province. The earthquake caused heavy casualties, there are nearly ten thousand people were killed and tens of thousands of people missing, many houses collapsed. In the face of the sudden earthquake, let many students go to school and we are for school collapses

Because of the relentless earthquake, take these precious lives, they were like us love of learning, to monkey looked at life, like the dreams of the beautiful full of fantasy, so curious about this world, they would have been some clever innocent children, and now is buried in the rubble, earthquake destroyed everything. It was time to go to school, so the majority of the dead is a student. Relief workers came to the collapse of the scene, here in ruins, like the sky has been covered with a thick layer of color HuiChenChen. Debris issue a call or two vaguely, awaken the consciousness of the Chinese people, affects the Chinese peoples heart. Each save a life, how excited we are, what a joy. But collapsed homes everywhere, drizzle sky up, its more for the rescue work more difficult, and legacy the aftershocks of the housing is in danger of collapse again, prolong the rescue time. But they didnt give up, no matter after an hour, two hours, ten hours, a few hours.

They econtinuing to find people buried under rubble, because they have only one conviction in mind, is to try to rescue trapped people, they are a living life. Life is not can use money to measure, no child, because life is sad, sad, want to cry.

Even if only 1% of hope, also want to try 100%. Premier wen jiabao went to the sichuan earthquake disaster area, be buried in the primary school next to the ruins, with hoarse, choked words, to the ruins of the children propaganda. For the first time after a failed rescue, the prime minister to rubble in the rain, organize rescue once again, because of the fall, the prime ministers injured his arm bleeding, insists that the medical staff away, also continues to climb to the collapse point to help. He saw two under the ruins of the children are waiting for the rescue, was moved to tears.

He said: "the house is cracked and collapsed, we can also take another. As long as people in, we will be able to survive, to overe this major natural disasters." yes, the house collapsed it doesnt matter, as long as you live, there will be hope. Life is priceless, and as long as to save more lives, we will have more hope. We want to single-mindedness and disaster area people this time. I spent over a disaster, even how hard we are not afraid, because we unite as one, mon face.

We will stand unyielding backbone. I always believe that, through the wind and rain, rainbow will appear, disaster will always be the past, as long as we stick to it, have a strong will, what difficult times we spent together we can all. Warmth spread through the earth, warm touch each injured heart, warmth of the affected people. Earthquake ruthless, of human beings. The heart is the motherland, concerned, and the heart.

地震的英语作文 篇六

As we knew, the winter in 2007 was a disaster. The snow storm hit many provinces in China, including Guizhou province, Hunan province, Guangxi province, and so on. Many people are leading a bad life without enough water and electricity because of the snow storm, and they really need our help now.

So we need to give a helping hand as a volunteer to those people in disater. If you are rich, try your best to send some money to those people in disaster. If you have unwanted clothes, just send them to those people in disaster. If someone is trapped in snow storm, just give him a hand. If someone is hungry and thirsty in snow storm, just give him some food. If someone falls down in snow, just hold him up. And we do it for free; we do it not ask for return. I believe that if one day we need help, they will help us too.

The snow storm has no love, but we have love; the snow storm is cold, but we are warm; the snow storm is terrible, but we will try our best to overe it, and we will overe it.

我们都明白,2007年的冬天是个灾难性冬天。 雪灾袭击了中国大部分省市,包括贵州、湖南、广西等省。因为雪灾,很多人都过着不好日子,没有水,也没有电。此时他们真的很需要我们的帮忙。



地震中考英语作文 篇七

When the earthquake comes, not to class time. I am with a few good students in the classroom outside the aisle jump leather band. Jumped and jumped, I suddenly felt the teaching floor in the violent shaking, at first I thought it was someone deliberately shaking me, I looked to Jiang Yuting, found her puzzled look at me. My mind suddenly flashed an idea: is the earthquake! Suddenly I feel the death of the atmosphere covered with the entire teaching building. I pulled Guo Shiyu in one hand and pulled Jiang Yuting in one hand to the corner of the classroom and found that the four corners of the classroom were crowded with people - we just learned the day before the text “Father and son in the earthquake” Earthquake can hide in the corner, because I do not want my parents to lose me ... ...

After about a minute, the office of the teacher rushed out, shouted: “the students, the earthquake, and quickly ran down!” We tide generally terrified down, the aisle, the stairs are full of people The In the stairs turn the most crowded, there are teachers in that command: “students, do not squeeze! One by one run!” We just went to the second floor, the wall began to “Wow, Wow” to continue to fall cement The whole corridor is all falling from the wall of the ash and broken glass.I ran in the crowd from time to time to look at the ceiling, the heart pray: you can not fall down ah!

Suddenly, there is a small classmate fell, the back of the students do not know, still continue to come, there are a few fall, seeing the tragedy will happen. In this nick of time, a pair of powerful big hands pulled up the top of the students, the original is often teacher. He side of the students, while shouting: “The other side of the students go there stairs!” Other teachers immediately instruct the students from the other side of the emergency evacuation, fell the students were saved

地震的英语作文 篇八

It should be noted that the earthquake disaster relief is not just a matter of the Government. As the face of ever, a major natural disaster,not only rely onthe government's influence, but also rely on public and non-governmental organizations' help.

Encouraging the spirit of the people of disaster areas, material support andpositive and practical actions, such as blood donation, will have a positive effect onrescue operations. After the Wenchuanearthquake, many enterprises and individuals, has begun an emergency donation of property, to the most needed areas.The people's blessings and encouragementin non-disaster areasmake people have fully felt the warmth and firm national strength.

In a battle to save the lives of all people, the victory will come after a disaster test of the Chinese nation.

地震的英语作文 篇九

Wenchuan, a small city, was destroyed by the earthquake. Many people were buried underground. Many houses were collapsed.

The army comes to help people save some people who were buried underground. People said thanks to them.

The force of the earthquake is very big. But people don't afraid it. People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan. We wish Wenchuan will become more and more beautiful.

What an unbelievable thing it is! Their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans! However, they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever. Sadness, hopelessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there!

But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods, love and so on !For example ,li Lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan !

With the help of the such a large love, we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future!


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