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中国的饮食 Chinese Cuisine 篇一

Before a foreigner comes to China, there are three things make up his first impression of China. They are Kongfu, Panda www.hao haozuowen.net zuowen.net and Chinese food. Chinese cuisine is famous all around the world. When the foreigners have tasted it, they will speak highly of it. Compared to the American food, which is mainly the fast food, Chinese eating styles are different in zones and people can cook the food in various ways. Every style of cuisine surprises the western people. We pay special attention to the healthy diet. We are so proud of the history of more than 5000 years. It enriches our knowledge and makes this old country stronger.


初三英语作文 篇二

Trying To Help Others

Last Sunday, I went to Haimen to go shopping. I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street.

I wondered what was happening there. I hurried to go there to take a look. I ran quickly. To my surprise, there was a girl sitting in the street. The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old. There was also a piece of paper in front of her. It said, my family dont have enough money for me to go to school

I was very sad to see that. I couldnt help giving some money to the girl. The girl was very grateful to me. She said, Thank you! I was glad to do it. Then I went away with a smile.

That day I had a dream in the evening; I dreamt that I had a lot of money. I did a lot of wonderful things. I helped the poor and the old.

After the dream, I know that we should be kind to others. If they are in trouble, we will try to help them out of trouble. Then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful. Then we will have a nice life. Dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nicer and nicer.







初中满分英语作文 篇三


每一个人,每一个国家,都拥有梦想。“中国梦”是目前最热的话题。作为中学生,你是如何理解中国梦的?你的中国梦是什么呢?为实现你的梦想,你将怎么做呢?假设你叫李红(Li Hong),请以“My Dream”为题,写一篇不少于100词的英语短文。

要求: 1. 条理清楚,有表明自己观点的句子。

2. 书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。

3. 短文中应尽量包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地名。

4. 参考词汇:China dream,come true ,achieve one’s dreams., give up, hold on to, make up of


My Dream

Everyone has his dreams. As young students, we have many kinds of dreams. These dreams are our China dreams. The dreams can be very big, and they can also be small. In fact ,a big dream is made up of many small dreams.

My name’s Li Hong. I also have a dream. I dream of becoming a great scientist. From now on, I have to study hard to achieve my dream. I must learn as much as I can. When I meet any difficulty, I won’t give it up , I must get it over .

I’m sure it’s very important to dream,. Some dreams are more realistic, others are not. No matter what our dreams are, we should hold on to them, they can just come true one day.

标准由谁而定 Who Decides Standard 篇四

Weibo has been the most popular communicational tool. People use it to scan news and a lot of them like to make comments about the hot issues. Especially when the negative information has been delivered, people will criticize the people who did the bad things at first, but as more details has been exposed later, people start to change their opinions. So I always wonder about the public's value conception, as they change their opinions so quickly, which seems that they can't make their own judgment, and the media affect their decision all the time. So it is important to let the teenagers learn what is right and wrong, or they will follow the crowd easily.


初中英语作文 篇五

Jack is in middle school now. As his parents are busy with their business,so Jack often makes mistakes. Jack's teacher has talked to his parents manytimes, but they thought it was the school's duty to educate their children. Thisis a very classic example. Many parents avoid the responsibility to educatetheir children. Actually, they are the first educators in raising children.Family education comes first. No matter how busy parents are, they should sparesome time and play with their kids. The missing of play time will have greatnegative effect on their children. Some kids make mistakes just to catch theelder's attention. So parents should set the good example for the children.

初中英语经典作文 篇六

An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him. The raven eyed the nut hopefully, "You'll never break it like that,"he said. "If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could, then drop the nut onto the rocks. It's the only way you'll get at the kernel."

The eagle flew up into the sky, then let the nut fall down, down, down to the ground. The raven hopped quickly from his branch and seized the nut in his beak. By the time the eagle had found his way back to the right place, all that was left was a broken piece of shell.

eagle 鹰 raven 渡鸦 beak 鸟嘴 land 着陆 kernel 果实

hop 单脚跳 broken 破碎了的 shell 壳





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