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Snow White英语作文优秀8篇


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Snow White英语作文 篇一

Today,under a heavy snow goose feather,a piece snow flying in the sky.

Snowflake girl who fell the tree,the tree covered with white snow as if the girl's wedding.Snow fell on the roof,the roof seems to bring a white snow cap.Snow fell on the earth,the earth seems covered with white snow-white sheep blankets.

I took the crystal snowflake hands,to count the number of its flower petals,Who would have thought it to hand disappeared into the small drops of water.

Kids can be happy!

Some snowball fights,some snowman,you see! Small lines and red heap of snowman,big head,round body,small black eyes,red nose in her hand,holding a broom,like sweeping every corner of the world.

I love this beautiful snow scene.

Snow White英语作文 篇二

Day gradually cold,dinner,the sky covered with dark Mongolian lead cloud,waves of the north wind blowing,the rain caught white snow fell down.It was not long before the rain stopped and saw the sparse snowflakes like small white feathers and gently wandered.

The next morning,I opened the door,a white coldness stabbed me open eyes.Ah,a good snow,a good white world! See,the land covered with silver,the roof covered with a layer of white and thick quilts,firewood into a pile of white cotton mountain.People are up early to snow,even love to sleep late children also early to play in the snow.

After breakfast,the snow down again,a blossoming,a cluster,like a silver flower,like butterflies,flying all over the sky.Snow suddenly drifted to the left,suddenly to the left pounce,while suddenly shot down,while falling slowly.They are toward the earth and into the gap.People standing in the snow,like squatting in the ginning machine,I saw countless cotton hit,to cover you a white plain.

The sun came out,it seems very obsessed with the beauty of the snow,with their own bright red cover wrapped in snow,like fear it ran like.But the snow is shy and the red face is quietly retired.Sun public tight tight tight cover,the snow into their own warm embrace.

Snow White英语作文 篇三

一天清早,我就听到了 早晨,我推开门,一阵泠风袭来。咦,是什么东西落在我手上,冰凉冰凉的?“啊!下雪了!”我情不自禁地叫了起来。一朵朵好像一片片羽毛,在天上飘来飘去,总是不愿意落地。

One morning,I heard the morning.I opened the door and a cold wind came.Eh,what is it that falls on my hand,cold and cold? "Ah! It's snowing! " I couldn't help after another like a feather,floating around in the sky,always unwilling to land.


When I got to school,I went downstairs to have snowball fights and make snowmen.The teachers are taking pictures in the school.After class,everyone went to collect snow.


After school,learning is getting bigger and bigger.The snow falls on the roof.The roof seems to wear a white hat.The snow falls on the tree girl.The tree girl seems to wear a white wedding dress.The snow falls on the road.The road seems to be paved with a white carpet.I use my hands to catch the crystal snowflake,want to count its petals,who knows it will become a small water drop on my hand.After a while,my whole body was covered with snow,just like a snowman.


The snow in winter is so beautiful

Snow White英语作文 篇四


It's snowing today.It's the first snow in winter this year.The white snowflakes are dancing in the air like lovely elves.Soon,the roof was white,the trees were white,the ground was white,the whole world was white.I asked my second uncle and I to go downstairs and make a snowman.We collect the snow by ourselves and stack it by ourselves.


After a while,my hands were frozen to death.At this time,my father sent me a board to shovel snow.I didn't need to catch snow anymore.I felt much better.After we built the snowman's body,we made a head for the snowman.Finally,I drew the snowman's nose,eyes and mouth.Although our snowman is not very beautiful,it is very lovely.

Snow White英语作文 篇五


My little friend and I were very excited about the first snow last winter.We made snowmen early.


Carrots,gloves,hats are all ready,and there is a snowball fight.Soon the sun comes out,and the snow slowly begins to melt.I hope the first snow in 2013 will come soon.

Snow White英语作文 篇六

"Snow,and snow." Ah,this snow can be really beautiful,one by one falling down,as if flying,and it seems to show us that light posture.

Lovely snowflakes fall from the sky,one after another,all over the sky.Snow a small flower a small flower,as if God is so little New Year gift,in order to make every corner of the earth can be a small distance from the snow contact,can feel her deep love,it broken off the general.Anxious small snowflakes "rustled" down to "catch",like a long time off the snow doll suddenly allowed to let it play a moment to earth.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger,blurring my vision.Lovely snowflakes never fall on our head,on the shoulders,on the ,there will be naughty little snow drilled into your neck,and you close contact,cooler - "cold!" Shrink the neck,but with a bit happy.

I stretched out the red hand,would like to catch it,so fine look at it,see it is not the same as the teacher said,is a beautiful hexagonal flowers.Can be like a small snowflakes particularly shy,a blink of an eye,it was gone.Perhaps it was my rude action.

"Play snow myself!" Waves of laughter interrupted my thoughts.Looking around,the playground has become a happy ocean: wholeheartedly snowman,happily snowfare,and spread the legs to chase each other,so busy! Perhaps can not stand the temptation,it may be lonely,Teachers are also like the child "wild" - "go,play the snow!"

All year round,each have their own advantages,the advantages of winter is this beautiful snow.I love winter,love this winter snow!

Snow White英语作文 篇七


Yesterday,it snowed all night.The next morning,the snow stopped.Ah,what a beautiful world.The ground is covered with snow blanket,the trees are covered with silver,and there is a lot of snow on the roof.Its white everywhere.The students all ran out to play with the snow.


Xiaoxiang and I are making snowmen.The snowmen we made are so lifelike.The snowmans mouth is made of peppers,and his nose is made of carrots.


Zijie is snowballing.His face is red with cold,but he still hasnt stopped because he feels the fun of playing with snow.


Wang Yang and Li Ming are having a snowball fight.Yangzi said to Wang Ming,eat me.With that,he threw the snowball at Li Ming.Li Ming fought back quickly.He started work around to block the snowball.


Everyone has a good time playing with snow.Would you like to join us in playing with snow?

Snow White英语作文 篇八

She is a princess.She has black hair as ebony,lips red as a rose and skin white as snow.But she has a wicked stepmother.Her mother did not like her.Who is she?Can you guess?Not you and not me.She is Snow White.She lived in a faraway day,her stepmother (Queen) asked her Magic Mirror who is the fairest one.Magic Mirror answer Snow White.So,Queen told her Huntsman to kill Snow White.Was the Huntsman kill Snow White or not?You can go to the book shop to buy this book to read and you will know the answer.

I do not like Queen because she was so wicked and so bad.She want to kill people.I like Snow White because she is very kind.I wish Huntsman did not to kill her,do you think that too?

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