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《飘》英文读后感 篇一

I first read it in a summer. I did not finish it at a single sitting. However, the moment I finished it, near midnight in a sweltering August day, with my body poured with sweat, held my breath to turn the last page over, shut the book and heaved a sigh of relief, I just could not express how I felt. All were over: trouble was over; lives were over; hopes were over. I was shocked how such a small book could contain such a complicated story. Never were wars, diseases and starvation ever nakedly exposed to me like this. The turns in plots were surprising but natural.

It was a tragedy: Just as its name suggested, everything was gone with the wind, including families’ touch, friends’ support, sweethearts’ gaze and youth with vigour. The story reminds us of valuing all we were possessing. A life lasts for a short time and anything in it lasts shorter. We always lose something unconsciously and then feel regretful when we need them later.

Characters in the story were so vivid as if they had been going to jump out of the story, as if they had been existed in the real life at first.

“Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything, for ‘this the only thing in this world that lasts, and don’t you be forgetting it’ this the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for--worth dying for.” Said Gerald, an Irish man who loved his soil more than his own life, let us know that life can be born out of land.

“But Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? Mine wore out, against Ashley Wilkes and your insane obstinacy that makes you hold on like a bulldog to anything you think about.”

“Scarlett, I was never one to patient pick up broken fragment glue them together and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken--and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.” Said Rett Butler, a man who love Scalett as much as a man can love a woman. Loving her for years before he finally got her, he loved her crazily but did not let her know it for fear of being hurt. But at last he still could not escape from hurts. “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” Look, he did not care about it at all. He was a man who disguised himself so much.

“I mustn’t bawl; I mustn’t beg. I mustn’t do anything risk his contempt. He must respect me even--even if he doesn’t love me.”

“I’ll think of it all tomorrow, at Tara. I can stand it then. Tomorrow, I’ll think some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

Said Scalett O’hara, the most wonderful woman I’ve ever seen. She was hard and greedy and unscrupulous, a brave, frightened, bull-headed child. Though she only thought about how to attract man’s attention and did not do anything useful before the war, she did surprise me when I read about her doings after the war. At that time, her Tara was just reduced to ashes. Everyone sketched out their hands and asked her for food. She bravely faced the reality and rebuilt Tara with her own hands. What a tough woman, I thought. Though those she loved were all gone, she was still full of hope. When Rett didn’t love her anymore and wanted to leave her, she said “I mustn’t bawl… even if he doesn’t love me.” A woman’s dignity could be seen from what she have said and done. That’s why I appreciate her.

This novel gave me too much to think about and I can not fully express myself in English. It is true that reading an origin is more vivid than the translated ones. However, my English level limits me to understand the origin well without the translated. But I will work hard in order to understand better.

《飘》英文读后感 篇二

The only novel that American writer Margaret Mitchell has ever had is gone with the wind.

It has been popular with readers since its publication. "Gone with the wind", a movie based on gone with the wind, also won several oscars.

The story took place in the United States before, during and after the war in north county of tara manor George, miss scarlett O 'hara is the heroine of the novel, and frail, sentimental younger sister is very different, the woman growing up in the red earth energetic, bold and rebellious.

She radiated life and courageously courted the young handsome and gentlemanly ASHLEY Wilkes. ASHLEY, however, would not accept it, because she was so angry that she married rhett butler, who had always loved scarlett, and she had all her energy in ASHLEY.

At last, rhett left her, only to find that ASHLEY was just a shadow, and felt that he should get rhett back...

Scarlett's fearless and fearless spirit deserves our reference and study!

《飘》英文读后感 篇三

Gone with the wind is one of the world's best-selling literary masterpieces. The book was dubbed "gone with the wind" because it was made into a film. A romantic love story by Margaret Mitchell, a famous American writer. And when I finished, I liked it best. Ask her sad and sad, also for her lucky and moved.

On the eve of the American civil war in 1861, miss tara, miss tara, fell in love with ASHLEY, the son of "more than twelve", but ASHLEY chose her cousin Melanie. Out of jealousy, scarlett was married to Melanie's brother, Charles. After the civil war broke out, Charles, who was drafted into the army, died and was married. Shortly before, frank in retaliation for a white and a black man to better attack, keep the good and ASHLEY and others to go to the ku Klux Klan action, and are in the army set a trap, died in the operation, better once again become a widow. Later, he received a always loved her, for she did many things scottberrie proposal of marriage, but marriage, plus ASHLEY, did not forget his feelings for ASHLEY was scottberrie found, cause a rift within the relationship, two people finally separated, and when thought better to Melanie, showing his fault tolerant Melanie stopped her, protect her and ASHLEY's reputation. After a series of family changes, sijia finally decided to stay on her land to create a new life and hope for a better tomorrow.

The heroine is lucky, but also unfortunate. Fortunately, she was born in a better environment, and she was guarded by her love. In the age of war, the second became a widow, which bound her nature, destroyed her longing for love and expectation, and thus was unfortunate.

I like Melanie in the novel. Like her tolerance; Like her kindness; Like her way of doing things.

I also like the heroine, she likes her to face the difficulties of the courage to greet; Like her willingness to take responsibility when facing responsibility; Like her courage in the face of love.

And made me feel deeply or scottberrie special guardian is angry with ASHLEY couldn't forget and leave bad thought this plot, it gave me the feeling that want to cherish the present, to discover the unconditional and selfless guardians, to help you, don't wait until to lose to regret, there is no regret medicine to buy, no machine can turn back time. We always ignore the warmth of our side, and hurt the warmth and beauty. Let us go hand in hand together, full of confidence in the future, together casting our own glorious life.

《飘》英文读后感 篇四

In love, although scarlett went through many twists and turns, and for a long time not sure his true feelings, but finally find out his love is always in trouble for her courage, let her on the practicalities of rhett, two people finally achieved a good good marriage.

"Leave it to tomorrow... Anyway, tomorrow is another day... "This is scarletts famous sentence, with a good sense of optimism. When we are in a difficult situation, we can think of this sentence, it will give us strength!

《飘》英文读后感 篇五

Wittgenstein once said, "I would like to walk on the ground and not dance in the clouds." How many of us want to reach out to the cloud, to chase what we can't get, and forget what we have until we lose it. The ground walk, just more steady and steady, this is the novel "gone with the wind" to give me the feeling!

After reading "gone with the wind," I was obsessed with the love story between scarlett and rhett. Scarlett loved ASHLEY when she was young, even when she learned that ASHLEY was about to marry Melanie, she was desperate to find ASHLEY and show her heart. Her subsequent marriages were only for her own benefit. Later, rhett appeared, and he knew scarlett better than anyone else. She was a strong, tough, vain, greedy, selfish woman, but also had a good and good side. He loved her as a child, and even tolerated her love for another, waiting for her to repent. Later because their daughter died unexpectedly, have appeared in the rift between them, rhett begin to feel tired and pain, he chose to leave scarlett, although this time scarlett has begun to consciousness, realize your true love is rhett, she begged begged rhett don't leave, but unique to his own pride and obstinacy, after all, he still did not budge.

If scarlett could treasure rhett well enough not to chase her own thing -- ASHLEY, maybe he could live a fairytale life with rhett.

Imagine, many of us not as beauty, struggling to chase, that does not belong to you things gone by, but ignored his side have the most important thing, until to lose to regret.

Tagore said, "if you miss the sun and you cry, then you will miss the stars." It is happy to cherish the people we have, because we are always unsure of what we need, and we always have a desire for everything.

Cherish the moment, cherish the people, things and things that you have, I'm afraid not many people can actually do it. People love to watch a mountain high and eat in a bowl. It is a household word, it is a negative word, it is believed that nobody will like it, but in reality, how many people become its slave, unable to extricate themselves. I hope that we can really do not just look away from the distance, but also focus on the present, instead of blindly chasing what we can't get and what we don't get, and ignore what we have.

Walking on the ground, yearning for a better life!

《飘》英文读后感 篇六

My friend recommended gone with the wind a long time ago, and this time I have the chance to finish it slowly. Maybe it wont be too profound to read it, but its a big one.

The American writer Margaret Mitchells novel gone with the wind has been popular with readers around the world since it was first published in 1936, and I think there are many reasons for it. First, character between the characters in the novel attracted countless eyeball, brave strong scarlett, rhetts wit decisively, mei laney velvet glove, ASHLEYs gentle a likable guy. In addition, the story of the ups and downs of the novel is also immersive and addictive.

Lets talk about the most impressionable scarlett.

Scarlett is a big contradiction, she is not perfect, but it is admirable. Scarlett, the remarkable character born in the turbulent years of the United States, her excellent personality radiates infinite light. She is brave, strong, optimistic, hard to live and never give in. She was very quick and smart, and a bit of her obsession with love, though I didnt quite agree with it. It is she that give the obstinate in his bones, hardworking spirit let her become the business and in life, in continuously hone grow up to be a strong woman. "Tomorrow, is, another, day" is the motto of scarlett. No matter what she meets, she is always full of hope, full of fight, never give up, never despair. This spirit is most worthy of my study. Yes, today is going to pass, no matter what result, or any pain, all belong to the past. And tomorrow is another day! Only by treating each tomorrow as a new starting point, it is wise to strive for the attainment of your goals.

In addition, I also have a certain revelation about the relationship, scarlett has fallen in love with two men in her life, but she finally knows whom to love, and he is too blind and persistent. When we think we fall in love with other people, we may just be attracted to him for a moment, but we are blindly persistent, and finally we find that the person we fell in love with is gone. We need to figure out what we feel about a person, rather than blindly, and end up with nothing.

At the end of the sentence, no explanation.

"Beauty does not make a man noble, nor is his dress respectable."

《飘》英文读后感 篇七

Yesterday, I finished calligraphy and went to the bookstore with my mother to buy some books. When I came to the bookstore, I saw the world classic, gone with the wind. Open it and find it interesting and buy it.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to start looking. "Gone with the wind" is about her life. She is unyielding and unyielding in the face of the flames of war. In the face of the death of her loved ones, she dried her tears and tried to cheer up. In the face of the lover's departure, she is undaunted, to start again.

She had been through many trials and tribulations, and she had always loved her, but she could only marry her cousin, Melanie, for the fame of her family. Scarlett was forced by her life to marry three men she did not love.

Some of them died of illness, some of them resolutely left her. Scarlett had three children, but she still managed to feed them.

Scarlett, who had married three men to feed her children, had endured a lot of pain, and her hands had gone from soft, white, delicate hands to calloused hands.

I admire scarlett very much, she is undaunted, unyielding, too great!

《飘》英语读后感 篇八

"Gone with the wind" was a surprise, too, in the school library, where it was found to be interesting. I read the book of Margaret Mitchell, which seemed a little familiar, and turned a few pages of interest. Perhaps the book is connected with the book, inexplicable love let me love it. So I borrowed the book from the school. But when I finished reading this book, I was deeply impressed by a woman in the book, scarlett o hara.

Of course, I saw not only the bumpy fate of scarlett, but also the distress and the hardships of life at the time of the war. I read about people fighting for the death list, some tears of joy, some pain. The extreme face left a deep impression on me. Scarlett several people after days more painful, when the yankees to fight against to scarletts small town, she asked for his "rival" Melanie midwives, follow after rhett face dusty, no image with the newly production Melanie and a black girl back to her tara. But there was no grand architecture, no money, not even the most basic food and drink. This time, I saw another scarlett, although no before the outbreak of the war she was still a capricious, selfish, not big miss, but now the perfect in my eyes is not as other novel heroine now surprisingly strong. She took up the burden of eating and drinking, taking care of Melanie, the servant, and the father who had dementia. I know that her favorite mother died of cholera. The mental and physical blows that made this spectator look so painful. The despair is from scarletts heart, even the word spread to my mood - scarlett needed by his own power used up all the way the family to eat and drink and not persecuted by the war. Shes not a soldier, but shes also going to kill her.

Under the necessity of life, scarlett had to marry another man she did not love for three hundred dollars. , at that time the society really messy, just like the name of the book - "gone with the wind", as if for a moment scarlett happy life by war disrupted, all broken down, and go with the wind, all people are forced to face the harsh reality. As again immersed in their own past, in the murky societies will be like the dead in the war, pulp, scarred, can no longer be back with family members said: "Im back."

In a closely connected story, I was attracted by the tortuous love story and the reality of life and death. More importantly, I saw a womans recalcitrant, brave, a war of terror, the destruction of people. Novel reveals the authors sympathy of slave owners, the disappointment of post-war reconstruction and the old system and the slave owners be regret of the past years, and by war, scarlett and rhett I saw love. It was just that, to my sigh, scarlett had hurt rhett in the end, and she still let rhett leave because she still loved ASHLEY. When she knew she loved rhett, rhett was no longer with her.

Thankfully, scarlett kept her own unique piece of the positive, and she said, "leave it to tomorrow." Anyway, tomorrow is another day... "Scarletts strong, undejected spirit gave me endless reflections. Vivid characters, deep thinking, and overwhelmed plot, which is the charm of this book, is not boring. If you think about it, you will always feel that the story and the woman named scarlett o hara are touching.

Scarlett, gone with the wind, let me know that the sun will still come the next day, whether we want it or not.

《飘》英文读后感 篇九

An epic tale of "gone with the wind" is a spectacular display of American life during the Asian civil war and reconstruction. Along with the old splendor of the twelve oaks and tara, the southerners' leisurely life has been turned upside down. The traditional southern society with ethics and their guardians, profession in the world even rebuild finally over, everything fade away, and the smoke of the war seems to be in the moment of democratic administration, but belongs to the era before the war of people struggle with another kind of life ever stop again? All kinds of untouchable smoke, such as the change of The Times and the conflicts of different civilizations, are also lasting forever.

Pre-war leisurely peaceful breath spread in southern breathing air, who turned down the social ethics and ethics of penetration in each of the southern culture, and the farm every pile soil, every piece of metaphor of cotton harvest, each pair of masters and the delicate relationship with the neighbours, have become part of their life. Among the many southerners, ashlee was more deeply integrated with the kind of civilization he loved to miss, and became a part of it. Thus the attachment to the old life of the "charming, well-proportioned" works of art is far more profound than the others, and the incongruous nature of the new life is revealed. He has the same vision and rhett, can see through the essence of the war, also, of course, understand the word of "evolution", "survival of the fittest", but lacked the courage to abandon his era of belonging to embrace new society, afraid of all real living people and things, even the scarlett would also like to try our best to avoid. Therefore, ashe ritual is only part of the old civilization and can't be the best representative, even if a civilization inevitably end, never should exist only in illusion and dream, should not just be firmly embedded in the society of the tailored, real living is the guarantee of a civilization exists.

In the same age as ASHLEY, melani lived the pride of an era. The war "life is associated with the sonorous spurs away", she is not don't know, also not indifferent, just more willing to brave to face the difficult process of social upheaval, she is the symbol of that era. If Allen and Melanie belong to derive an era of great women, I think Melanie more representative, although the same WenHuiDuan, supple center belt just, but, after all, Ellen unfortunately died at the early stage of the war, but had to avoid the struggle against gone with; And Melanie, through all this, kept the high society in the face of suffering, became the backbone of a class, and began to live a new life firmly, never giving up hope of life. So when she jie virtuous life eventually fell, ASHLEY's spirit, scarlett knew his dependence on her, as if the dream of a generation, a legendary story to an end.

After the war, the life was left in ruins, the desire for survival and the power of life quietly grew. Scarlett, looking forward to the green eyes of the young, has witnessed the misery of life, but always full of hope. Her predecessors have experienced devastating blow, but with their own hands from adversity to gain the best outcome, not so much her strong stems from a family of origin, as it is in front of the disaster tenacious life in common. So whenever scarlett was heartbroken by her departure from Ellen's teachings, she would tell herself, "Ming

Day is a new day, the day is long, and the time to think pain is more, to solve the present dilemma is the most urgent. Tara, as the land of life, is the most direct definition of survival, which scarlett sees as her destiny and the battlefield. Until the love of her life goes away, tara remains the final destination of her choice.

Floating in the troubled times, no matter like ASHLEY ceremony alive, like Melanie held beliefs, or like rhett and scarlett to survive by hook or by crook, past everything, including old, native and stories with distant civilization could not be check to fade away. Though rhett to Charleston finally really and realistic social reconciliation, scarlett can again draw strength from the bosom of tara, ASHLEY again, in the face of life, who can be with the wind gone past of animosity, but may not touch real smoke never stop. As ashely said, "no matter when civilization destroys, the result always repeats itself. Savvy enterprising people survive, become obsolete, "didn't mind didn't courageous battle always going on, but was later generations previous interpretation of the story, children in different ways on different from power again rise and fall of the credit.

Everyone has an escape nightmare like scarlett, a struggle in a certain situation, a struggle, but a process of metabolic regulation. Anyone who can sail like a boat on the side of a boat is a profound understanding of the past, the passing of the wind, the smoke...

《飘》英文读后感 篇十

After the fall of Atlanta, her strength was admirable, and she bore the burden of the ordinary. But her unfoldable means also became legitimate, of course, which was supposed to be a predatory society.

She used her sister's happiness for her save people's lives, and in order to expel the poverty, hunger of terror, she is not fold means, with white men and negroes in free trade, partition, she grew up, common experience of war compatriots, became a traitor. But she never cared what others said, she was loyal to herself, she knew what she was going for, she had to lose, and she could afford it. In the second marriage she had a daughter who was not very fond of her, and poor old women had to suffer.

I don't know why she will agree to marry rhett, just because that a crazy kiss, or withhold the lure of money, he is only in front of rhett, she can say the truth, can feel a pair of wide arms, I can't stand in the Angle of the know the result thought of her at that time why promised to get married, I hope even when her heart because they have planted a tree full of love and is aware of her own seed.

《飘》英语读后感 第十一篇

Reading a good book can affect a person forever. After reading the book gone with the wind, I was really inspired and benefited from the light. The book, whether it is a beautiful flowing language descri ption or a vivid characterization of the characters, has reached its peak. It is the gem of world literature. Among them, the heroines love view, make me feel quite deep.

Scarlett, the remarkable character born in the turbulent years of the United States, her excellent personality radiates infinite light. She is brave, strong, optimistic, hard to live and never give in. She is very vigorous and smart. The most striking thing is her obsession with love. She has an angelic face and a shapely figure -- a goose, a moon, and a moon, in the words of a beautiful woman in ancient China -- and how many young men fall in love with her. But she doesnt care about these things. Shes crazy about love. But out of desperation, she married two people she didnt like. When she saw her beloved ASHLEY again, she still loved him madly like a teenage girl, and was desperate to pour out his love to him. This reminds me of another way of expression of the womens loyalty to love in feudal China. In the case of "southeast peacock", for example, a couple of men and women should be married to love, and their love is closely related to marriage. "You are a rock, a concubine like a reed, a reed like a silk, a rock without a move." When their love suffers other peoples destruction, in order to show their dedication to love, they only have "from the southeast branch". But scarlett is different, in her love view, love and marriage can be separated, or a spiritual and physical separation. Drop everything she doesnt care about each other some marriage, bold to love ASHLEY, fight for their own happiness, she does not love set on etiquette, the shackles of moral, her love is always free. This may be due to cultural differences between the east and the west. The nature of love is not changed by the way it is expressed.

Scarletts half life was also confused by love. He did a lot of wrong because of his confusion. She found out that ASHLEY didnt love her and was not as good as she thought she was. She loved not ASHLEY, but a perfect image of her heart. The more ASHLEY refused her, her heart of the image, the more perfect - this is an old saying: is the best way to get it - but because she mistakes, to make her wrong side real happiness. This also gives me a lesson: people should learn to distinguish right from wrong, dont let happiness slip through their fingers.

Thankfully, in scarletts love in the world there is nothing as of late, when she completely lose ASHLEY, lost daughter, her husband rhett has left her, she realised that she really loved is rhett, she throw psychic trauma and regret, believe in yourself can the heart of rhett. "Tomorrow is another day anyway!" If many people can have this optimistic and confident attitude towards love, then many love tragedies will not happen.

On the days of reading "gone with the wind," how many times have I been happy, noisy, sad, laughing. Several xus sadness, several xus happiness, several xus feelings, several xus wonder. The hidden interest, left behind is a strong shock and a lifetime of emotion.

《飘》的英文读后感 第十二篇

In their marriage days, he connived her, poured all their love, knew that she suffered and let her spend freely on material, but she took all of this as a matter of course. The abundance of material kept her pursuing her dream, the beautiful dream she made herself. She had always been self righteous in front of men, except Ashley.

She didnt know how to cherish the love given by others. She thought it was her beautiful trophy. She felt that as long as someone confession to her, she would get a capital to arbitrarily trample on her. Because her love was superficial, she must be punished.

《飘》英语读后感 第十三篇

The classics amass the writers profound thoughts and give us vivid expression of the rich spiritual world. Close the classics, reading classics works can edify our sentiment, and some philosophy, revelation is contained in it. So, I often read the classics, and recently, I also read "gone with the wind" by Mitchell. Indeed, I benefited a lot from this book.

The heroine of this book is a very beautiful girl, scarlett, emphatically describes the she left behind the home of the war-ravaged experience and feelings, in the war from the start with reverence psychology, support for the war completely, the war and bring to the pain of losing loved ones, have to succumb to the fate of failure and hardships to rebuild their homes after the war. The war has failed, and some people have been demoralized and lost their original morale, unable to adjust their attitude and face the broken life after the war. However, our heroine overcame the failure mentality and faced the harsh reality and became a strong person in life. She showed great strength and courage in the face of difficulties. Scarlett had said in her most difficult time, "tara is my destiny, my battle field, and I must pluck up the courage to overcome it!"

Yes, she has the average man cant have a strong will and optimistic spirit, she has the courage, perseverance, never say die, even through the bottom of life, she would still be tenacious struggle with difficulties, we shouldnt learn her optimistic and strong?

Helen? Keller with perseverance, the spirit of optimism to overcome its own defects, and wrote "if give me three days light", so she succeeded, charlotte with perseverance, tenacity, overcome the traditional ideas, wrote "Jane? Love", so she succeeded, hawking against the brave tenacious, never-say-die spirit, adhere to study science, wrote "a brief history of time", so he has happened... Life is no matter how to also cant be plain sailing, in the face of frustration, there are too many too many people relying on their own brave tenacity and perseverance will eventually overcome the difficulties, the final success.

Remember at Christmas time, my parents gave me a dragon board, I was overjoyed, Shouting to learn. I cant wait on a skateboard, but before I start to slip, has been out of balance fell and my mom and dad hurriedly ran to help him, and to encourage a way: "no failure, that will have a success? After all, failure is the mother of success, and I believe that if you work hard, you will succeed! I once again set foot on the skateboard again, this time on, I will try to "twisted" go forward, how far cant slide, and fell flat on "dog face," this time I can not in the mood, no confidence slide anymore! Because of the loss of strong will, because of the loss of the courage to face the difficulties, and the halfway.

In the future, I will learn from the people who have the will and will always be optimistic in the face of difficulties and setbacks. I will always be strong, and I will be a strong man who will not be afraid of difficulties.


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