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爱英语作文 篇一

Mother's Loveis the greatest in the world. One evening, it was raining hard and it was very dark outside. Suddenly I got a bad headache. My mother felt my head and found that I had a high fever. She was so worried that shi took me on the back to the nearby hospital at once.

At that time, it was about midnight and it was raining even harder. I looked down at my mother andfound that she was walking hard in the heavy rain. I couldn't keep back my tears. When she was too tired to walk on, she letme down.

But when she found I could hardly stand, she took me on the back again and went on walking. When we got to the hospital, she was out of breath. The doctor looked me over carefully and let me take some hot water and some medicine.

On the way home, I felt a little better. So I told my mother that could walk slowly by myself. But mother took me in the back without a word. When we got home, mother fell to the floor. She was too tired! The next day I felt much better, but mother got ill.

What a great mother! How great mother's love is!

爱英语作文 篇二

In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said "Happy Mother's Day"! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she smiled and said, 'How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also, we told her we were going to do all the housework for our beloved mother, and she could take a rest for a day. In the beginning, we were excited about all the work we can do at home.

Before long, we found that the housework seemed to be endless, There was cooking and washing, and cleaning to do, and there was shopping to do, too . During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. My father was making a salad, my sister was baking a pie for dessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables, and there were many other things to do. Finally, the dinner was ready; it was two hours behind the usual schedule. The food was not as delicious as my mother's. Nevertheless, my mother and father enjoyed it, and felt very proud of their daughteand and son.

爱英语作文 篇三

People say that father’s love likes a mountain: heavy and silent. It’s heavy because he puts all his love to us and it’s silent because he does not know how to express. Faced his love, we accept it silently without saying a word to show our appreciation.

Before I was going to senior school, my father had never said a word to show his love to me, so that I thought he did not love me very much and sometimes I was upset about it. However, when I left home for senior school, he called me frequently and just asked me some simple questions like: how’s your study and life? When do you come home? or something like that. Gradually, I realize that he misses me although he would never say it out. So this is father’s love, not so obvious but

爱的看法英语作文 篇四

A comb can not comb the mother's sorrow, a call can not afford to forget her mother's thoughts. Mother is not need children praise language, do not want to see their children flashy sigh, as long as the children of a piece of peace can push mother's day and night care smile! Whether you are a babbling baby, or has entered the sixty years of age old man, in his own great mother's children will always be a child...... Exhort, nagging, Guaqian will always accompany her life until the end point! Love is great, great love is frankly reflected by the little things in life; love is selfless, selfless love is because the mother all have dedicated to the children themselves; love is true. True love is naturally nagging mother exhorted, worried about ah.

These words have been said.

What is love for us? Since childhood, we have love, but abroad, they think this is the people's duty, what is love for us? We always ignore it, what is love? We still do not understand? In this world there is a a very precious thing called love, love is like a spring rain, quietly nourishing our hearts, love is like a boat, carrying us through all the obstacles, like a beacon, guide us light, like the sun, bring a warm sunshine for us.

If someone says, there is what kind of love is selfless, that is mother's love for her child; if someone says, there is what kind of love can make us burst into tears, that is mother's love for her child; if there is what kind of love can make us give up everything that is, a mother's love for her child. Mother's love for her children will never change. There is no mother who does not love her children. Mother is the warmth of our hearts a ray of sunshine, the mother's warmth, all the time hidden in our hearts. Mother is also not allowed us, let us not immersed in the frustration and sadness in the angel. Encourage us to advance, even if failed, do not give up easily angel.

Even years took a mother's face, but in my heart, the mother is never change, in my heart, my mother is still warm my heart, moisten my heart dew, fertile soil irrigation of my heart, my heart is to beautify the angel mother. Mother, in my heart will never change, I am angelic existence......

爱英语作文 篇五


The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, the son wants to raise but the relative is not there


Parents give us life, they bring us to the world, nurture us, educate us, make us live healthy and happy, and thrive. Over the years, the love our parents have given us is beyond measure.


However, as our parents grow older and older, the time for us to be filial to our parents and raise them also decreases day by day. If we can't act filial piety in time, we will regret for life. If there is no way to spend time with your parents to honor them, it is too late when you want to repay them. I hope that when our parents are alive, filial piety should be in time. Don't wait for the time of repentance to think about our parents. Now, the only way we can repay our parents is to study hard and not let them down.


Parents' love may be the only absolutely selfless feeling in the world. They don't have any extravagance for their children. They never want to get any return from their children. So their love for their parents should be absolutely pure.


When the summer night comes, do we want to turn on the cold wind early to cool the room, and then turn off the cold wind in time for parents to fall asleep to avoid catching cold? In winter, do you want to turn on the warm wind to make your parents feel warm? Filial piety is not the patent of filial piety, but all the things in the world that should be done for children.


"The book of Rites" said: "eternal words do not call old.". Children should never claim to be old in front of their parents. A filial child always tries to make his parents unaware of the passage of time and the growth of age. In order to let parents live a happy life, I try my best to comfort my parents' new life, and give full play to this saying of "good body, good heart". People have filial piety, filial piety, the world will not have a heart of stone. As long as we are willing to devote ourselves to the filial piety of our parents, our parents will be moved. We will also feel the sincere love of our parents, and this power is only between our thoughts, which is pure filial piety, that is, pure filial piety of our own nature in everyone's mind.


We need to know that filial piety is not to be measured by materials, but by your sincere respect for your parents. Filial piety has no difference between poverty and baseness. From the top officials to the people, as long as you have filial piety, in any case, regardless of thousands of hearts, you can become a family and try your best to do it. When parents are old, they need more spiritual care. Take action! Let parents feel the warmth of family!

爱的英语作文 篇六

Love is everything. Love is the most brilliant thing in the world. Because of love, our world turns out to be a sunny place.

We couldn't go without love. For instance, love can help us municate with each other very well, love can help us overe all the difficulties, love can help us get rid of our unhappiness, love can turn our enemies into our friends, and our destinies can also be changed by love

What's more, love is a bowl of rice for a hungry beggar, love is an overcoat for a tramp in winter days, love is an umbrella for us in raining days, love is a stick for the old, love is the best medicine for the sick, love is the sunlight for the blind, and love is the gospel for the deaf. Without love, our world is meaningless.

However, love isn't a bunch of flowers or a nice present. Love is a thread in our coat. Love is inside, making our life warm and fortable.

爱英语作文 篇七


Spring has come, some people love the rain in spring, some people love the clouds in spring, but I love the wind in spring.


I think spring wind is like a magician. Don't believe it. Look, spring wind blows on the flowers, and the flowers are fragrant! The spring wind blows on the willow, and the willow grows!


The spring breeze blows on the child's face, and the child smiles!


Ah! What a magic! I love you spring breeze!

爱英语作文 篇八

Everyone in our school likes sports. Every morning, after we get up, we do morning exercises. And after the second class, we do exercises again. We only have PE classes twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoon. We have school basketball, football and volleyball teams, and our teams often have matches with teams from other schools. Besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimming. Once a year we have a sports meeting.


爱的英语作文 篇九

Early one morning, suddenly rain heavily, huahua not bring rain gear, have braved the rain ran to school.

Just then, a young male teacher came and put the raincoat over the shoulders of the flower lake, affectionately said: "be careful in the rain, will catch a cold." huahua excitement speechless. An older brother to see the teacher walked to school in the rain, hurriedly ran to share one umbrella and teachers.

In this way, the teacher looked at the students smiled, students watched the teacher smiled, they walked to school together.

爱英语作文 篇十

There is no doubt that parents love us the most in the world, they give us lives and nurse us to be an independent people. No matter what difficulties we face, they are always behind us and offer support. The way they love us is different and we can feel love is around.


My mother is a housewife. She sacrifice so much when I was born. Nowadays, women are advocated to be a career woman, and they treated to be successful if they can manage the family chores well at the same time. My mother gave up her career. In my eye, she does the most great job in the world. The house she cleans and the food she cooks, all of these work require so much patience and only the one with strong will can do it.


My father doesn’t talk much, but he will never miss every important moment of me. Every night before I sleep, he will check my homework and ask me the latest situation. The comfortable thing is that he never puts me hard and I am so pleased to talk with him.


Love from parents makes me stronger and I will fight for my future.


爱英语作文 第十一篇

I love EnglishWhen I entered junior high, I met a really good English teacher. Her English is beautiful and her lessons are interesting. What's more important, she always encouraged us to practise more. She made everyone of us read English newspapers in class. We often did pair work, group work, discussions and reports. She also brought us a lot of really nice English songs and chants. We never found it boring to learn English. Her classes always seemed to be too short.

There were always games, competitions and laughter in our English class. As a result, everyone in our class loves and does well in English. I began to read simplified English novels even when I was in junior three. I just enjoy learning and improving my English. My biggest wish is to be an English teacher in the future. I want to be an excellent English teacher like my beloved junior English teacher, Linda. Learning English is already part of my life, and I'll definitely keep on till the very end.

爱英语作文 第十二篇


There is a lot of love in the world. My fathers love for me is something I will never forget. My father is a very loving person.


I remember one summer evening, I was doing my homework, and suddenly there was a power failure. Writing homework by candlelight, sweat drips down my head, which is too hot to bear. Dad looked in his eyes and quickly found a fan. He used his rough hands to help me with the fan. The breeze blew all over my body, making me feel refreshed.


Although my fathers hand is black and thick, but it gives me a lot of warm, also full of fathers love. Dad, I really want to say to you, "Dad, I love you.".

爱英语作文 第十三篇

fall is my favourite season,since it is neither cold and hot.There are three months in fall.The weather in fall is cool , Sometimes it’s windy . I can wear my jackets and jeans .I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends.and i enjoy myself walking aroud the golden country field. And there are many fruits in fall , Just :apples , bananas , oranges… And The Mid-Autumn festival is in fall , too . I love autumn!Fall is the third season of a year .



爱英语作文 第十四篇


Everyone has been loved by their parents, and I don't know how many times! I'm here to introduce my parents' love for me.


That time, I came home late. My parents were very worried and angry at home. When I got home, my father told me to stand up. They scolded me for a few words and then beat me. At that time, I was very angry and thought to myself: hum, what's so great? I rely on myself as an adult!


They deliberately told me to run away from home. I just came to the door, my mother kicked the door and closed it. I happened to be impartial, and was pressed by the door. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital.


When I got to the hospital, I opened my eyes slowly and saw my father and mother running around in front of me. "What can I do?" Dad shouted? What should I do? "


I thought to myself: it seems that mom and Dad don't bother me. I was wrong. My mother saw me wake up, hugged me and said, "my dear son, I shouldn't hit you. You say, I'll buy you what you want. "


I was moved to say: "nothing, I just want you to care about me."


"My dear son, I will be very concerned about you!" said the mother kindly At this time, my father also came to hold me.


Now I know that father and mother love me as well!


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