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考试的英语作文 篇一

at the very end of the joint university entrance eam, journalists always get a funny answer from graduated students: now, what i want to do most is burn my tetbooks and eam papers. it seems few students have other ideas than to count the total number of all eam papers over a period of three years. it well be a wonderful number---over two thousand. really, such a surprising quantity of eams harms not only students bodies but also their social development.

first, overburdening eams destroy students health. every day, all they do is stay inside and study. students have no time for regular eercise, which is an essential part of maintaining good health. day after day they go without adequate sleep, which lowers their resistance to disease. in addition, worrying about endless eams, students lose their appetites and are incapable of relaing themselves even during sleep. suffering from lack of eercise, little sleep, bad appetites, and long-term tension, students look pale and sick when the entrance eam ends.

besides bodies destruction, lots of eams also make students socially narrow. without good grades, a student may consider he is useless and doomed to failure henceforth. probably, he would rather pursue high grades than deep friendship. he may take it for granted that improving his grades is more important than caring for his surroundings in his life as a student. more ridiculously, a so-called ecellent student can refer to one who is devoted to high grades, but indifferent to the benefit of his class. his young world seems to be built on eams and grades. miserably, grades have deeply occupied his heart, brain, and dreams.

of course, the proverb of no pains, no gains. is doubtless true. however, entering a good school at the epense of healthful bodies and social awareness is too high a cost.

考试的英语作文 篇二

Examination is the most familiar word to the students for we all need to face it. Each existence has its own reason. The exam which has existed for long time also has its advantages. Firstly, it can check how much or how hard you learned in this period of time. This can make you learn more about the study situation of yourself. Secondly, you can see some defects via the exam. Then you can decide how to correct them.

Meanwhile, exam also has some disadvantages. Some schools take too much exam even makes it as a burden to the students. If teachers and parents regard the exam as the most important thing, the students would feel stressful. These maybes lead to cheating.

So, we should take the appropriate attitude towards the examination. If everyone does so, exams will no more scare.

考试的英语作文 篇三

I don't remember how many examinations I've taken since I began my schooling. To tell the truth, I don't like examinations at all. I dare say that, in fact, no student likes examinations.

We often hear people say “Examinations are teachers' magic weapon”, so most of us may think it is our teachers who give us students so many examinations. But I don't think so. Almost all of them have once been students before they became teachers. We don't like examinations, and neither do our teachers, which may be reasonably concluded. What's more, the more examinations we take, the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more trouble our teachers have to take.

It is the system in our country, I think, that gives us students so many examinations. If there were no entrance examinations, and all the students could go up to the higher grades without competition, there would not be so many examinations in primary and middle schools. So it is important and necessary to reform the test system. Only in this way can examinations be greatly reduced, and then all the students will be happier.

考试的英语作文 篇四

On Thursday afternoon, Mr. Huang sent out the mid-term exam paper. I couldn't wait to see my paper when the examination paper was not ready, because I thought I did well in the exam. However, the papers to my hand, the harsh 85 make me terrified, why! I can't believe my eyes, rubbing my eyes and looking at it again. The result is so much. I feel uncomfortable and afraid, afraid that my mother will curse me.

Hey! Who calls me so disobedient? Usually, my mother asked me to read more extracurricular books, and to review and preview more. But I always feel so busy and tired that I don't want to do anything. When mom wants me to do something, it's a little faster. I didn't take it seriously either. As a result, I didn't really think about it when I was reading. I feel ashamed to think of it. After that, I must read more extracurricular books, read more texts, and speed up. If I listen to my teachers and parents, I won't score 85 points.

考试的英语作文 篇五

We live in a world full of competition. And the examination is one of the tools to exam whether we meet the standard or not. If we want to enter the key university, we have to get high marks on the College Entrance Exam;if we want to have a good job, we will go through a series of interviews and tests;If we want to drive a car, we have to pass the driving test. Some people complain that there are too many exams in our lives, and these exams cannot truly or fully reflect a person’s ability. Unfortunately, our fate and future are depending on these exams. We cannot avoid them. 我们It’s true that the examinations can only test what we remember instead of what we know. A student with a good memory may find it very easy to get high marks before the examinations. All he needs to do is to remember the knowledge from the textbooks. In this situation, it’s quite unfair to evaluate the students only through exams. What’s more, some unexpected accidents may happen to the students such as a high fever or a sudden headache; this will affect the final marks. Since no one can performs stable all the time. Sometimes, luck plays a vital role in the examinations. The student may guess an answer right although he doesn’t work hard on the course. If the student has a good handwriting, he may get higher marks than others. There are many subjective factors that may affect the outcome of the exams. In a word, it’s not enough to use exams to evaluate the students. If the schools want to assess the students, they shouldd use different ways. Only in this way, the result may be fair.

考试的英语作文 篇六

English for many people is an insurmountable gap, not good at learning English people a lot, usually this will not have any impact on us, because people in life is not necessary, maybe we will never leave China, so it is useless to learn English, but once it is about to be English exam is a nightmare, because we can't answer it at all.

This is not, in a few days is the final exam of English, and these two days I still have not begun to review, because I really do not know how to review, and do not know how to review, but I can not forget what is English, this is the final examination is the most important subject, so we have to review!

At this time, we need to play relationships, ask each other and communicate with each other. After a few times, I finally know some of the contents. This is what the teachers in other classes have revealed, but only English composition titles and some translations, but other things do not know! But the direction of revision is always better than that, so this is a review direction.

I was ready to recite these things at this time, because it was difficult to use a copy of the final exam, so the recitation was the preparation of two hands, so I was reciting at this time, I hope these things can be really tested, then I have some grasp and passing!


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