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新闻报道英文范文:中美最新贸易协议将让谁获益 篇一

The events of the last week have crowded out reflection on economic policy. But things have been happening. Wilbur Ross, the US commerce secretary, described the trade deal reached with China earlier this month as “pretty much a Herculean accomplishment….This is more than has been done in the history of US-China relations on trade.”

上周的各种事件冲淡了有关经济政策的反思。但事情还是在发生。美国商务部长威尔伯?罗斯(Wilbur Ross)将本月早些时候美国与中国达成的贸易协议称为“一项非常伟大的成就。超过美中贸易关系史上所有成果”。

Past a certain point, exaggeration and hype become dishonesty and deception. In economic policy, as in almost everything else, the Trump Administration is way past that point. The trade deal is a “nothing burger” that a serious administration committed to helping American workers would likely not have accepted, and surely would not have hyped.


On agriculture, China reiterated a promise that it has broken in the past to let in more beef. Previously, the US, as reciprocity, had been withholding publication of a permissive rule on Chinese poultry. Now we have relented. Advantage: China.


Nothing else “achieved” has any meaningful nexus with US jobs. China will review product applications for eight biotech products. It promises to offer increased scope for US credit rating agencies, and electronic payment platforms. But it is far from clear that US firms will in fact be able to compete in China — and it is clear that if they do, it will be by hiring Chinese workers in China, not American workers in America. And finally, two US firms will get some enhanced ability to do bond and stock underwriting — again a benefit to shareholders and local staff rather than to US employment.


What was given up? In addition to the leverage sacrificed by committing to issue the poultry rule, other meaningful concessions were made. First, the US has agreed to allow exports of liquefied natural gas to China. To at least a small extent, that would mean higher heating costs for US consumers and higher energy costs for US producers.

我们放弃了什么?除了因承诺发布禽肉规定而牺牲的筹码之外, 美国还做出了其他重大让步。首先,美国同意允许向中国出口液化天然气。这将意味着美国消费者的供暖成本以及美国生产商的能源成本将至少小幅提高。

Second, in the context of a trade negotiation, concessions were made on how US commodities regulators would view derivatives traded in Shanghai and how US bank regulators would treat Chinese banks doing business in the US. While I suspect the concessions were not major, this is reinforcing the valid concern that trade agreements may undercut the ability of regulators to protect American financial stability and more generally challenge regulatory sovereignty.


Third, we agreed to embrace – by sending high level representatives – China’s One Belt One Road initiative. It is almost certainly better to be in than out of this tent, but we should be getting something in return for the legitimacy we are conferring.


Now it is true that a ludicrously hyped squib of a deal is much better than a trade war. So perhaps we should be pleased that President Trump and Mr Ross are so easily manipulated. Perhaps our officials know how bad a deal they got and are just hyping for political reasons. It is an irony of our times that those who most frequently denounce “fake news” seem to most frequently purvey it.


新闻报道英文范文:因资金问题乐视宣布在美国裁员325人 篇二

Chinese technology conglomerate LeEco said itplans to eliminate about 325 jobs in the US andsharply reduce research-and-developmentoperations.


"While we've made progress in growing ourdistribution channels, the challenges with raisingnew capital have made it difficult in the past fewmonths to support our business' priorities," LeEcosaid in a statement last Tuesday.


"As a result, the capital we do have will have to be highly focused, resulting in a significantrestructuring and streamlining of our business, operations and workforce."


The job cuts affect all of the company’s departments, but especially the R&D team,according to the company.


The San Diego office, which employed primarily people working in R&D, is closing andemployees left at the whittled-down US business will focus on serving customers who havealready purchased LeEco devices.


LeEco will continue to sell its smartphones, smart TVs, TV set-top boxes and accessories in theUS.


But after the downsize, marketing efforts will be focused on the Chinese language communityin the US.


新闻报道英文范文:上百枚里约奥运会奖牌生锈被召回 篇三

Olympic medals for more than 130 winners from the Rio de Janeiro Games last summer are rusting or chipping, according to officials.


“We’re seeing problems with the covering on between 6 or 7% of the medals, and it seems to do with the difference in temperatures,” Rio Games communications officer Mario Andrada told reporters.


He added that the decaying was “completely normal” after nine months, since only 1.34% of the medals are actually gold, and 30% of the sterling silver came from recycled silver.


"The most common issue is that they were dropped or mishandled, and the varnish has come off and they've rusted or gone black in the spot where they were damaged," Andrada said.


The International Olympic Committee and Rio organizers are planning a system to replace the medals for those who are unsatisfied with the defective medals, Andrada said.


At the London Olympic Games in 2012, organizers provided instructions to medalists on how to keep their medals in mint condition, but did not specify any detail on room temperature. Medals for each Olympics vary in how they are made, however. The Olympic medals for the 2020 Games in Tokyo, for instance, are expected to be composed of recycled cellphones and small appliances donated by Japanese citizens.


The news of the defective medals comes in light of many Olympic venues in Rio deteriorating quickly after the Games, with a federal prosecutor recently saying that the venues are “white elephants” that were built with “no planning” for usage after the Olympics.


新闻报道英文范文:Michael Bowman 篇四

Another international flight to the United States has been cancelled amid continued security worries.

British Airways scrubbed废止 one of three daily flights from London to the Washington area Thursday, the latest in a series of cancellations of international flights bound for the United States.

British Airways spokesman John Lamphill, "The British government directed British Airways to cancel flight 223. We can only assume that is due tosecurity reasons, but we have no other explanation."

Wednesday, another British Airways flight was detained several hours upon arrival at Washington's Dulles Airport while U.S. authorities questioned a number of passengers and conducted extra baggage screening. All passengers were eventually allowed to disembark.

FBI spokeswoman Debbie Wierman said authorities acted on "routine interest" rather than a specific threat or allegation.

"There were names listed on the manifest of the plane that matched [the names of] persons that U.S. law enforcement officials were interested in interviewing. It was routine interest on our part, and, when it was all said and done, we had no concerns or worries."

But not everyone sees the stepped-up security effort as benign.;One passenger from the delayed British Airways flight vented his displeasure. "This was detention without due process, as far as I am concerned. I am an American citizen and I expect to be treated as such in my own country."

Last week, Air France canceled a half-dozen flights between Paris and Los Angeles. Wednesday, an AeroMexico flight bound for the United States was also scrubbed after U.S. officials raised security concerns with their Mexican counterparts.

The Associated Press quotes a spokesman for Mexico's government as complaining that U.S. officials did not share specific information about what provoked their concerns.

Two weeks ago, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security raised the nation's alert status to "orange" - the second highest level on a five color-coded scale. Earlier this week Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge announced new airline security measures, including an initiative to have sky marshals aboard certain flights operated by foreign carriers.


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