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my friend 英语作文精选4篇


无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?好作文分享了4篇my friend 英语作文,希望对于您更好的写作myfriend有一定的参考作用。

My friend英语作文 篇一

My best friend is WangMing. He is 12 years-old.He always play jokes with me.I like to stay with him.It is because he can help me all the time. When I find him say that I am sad or happy,he always listen to me and he is very kind to me.He is very clever.He always help with my homeworks.If I have a worry and don't know how to do he could help me.He can be a friend with everyone

my friend英语作文 篇二

I’ll talk to him in the name of preparing a birthday surprise for Wang Ping. I’ll advise him to sing birthday song to Wang Ping together with me, and I think he won’t decline my idea.

And during the performance, I’ll try to express my regret of quarreling with him and apologize to him. In this situation, he will forgive me and we’ll continue to be friends!

My friend英语作文 篇三

I' m the only one in all of creation2) who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of my combination3) of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings. Like a room full of musical instruments4), some may excel5) alone, but none can match the symphony6) sound when all are played together. I'm a symphony.

Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me.

I'm special. I'm rare.

My friend英语作文 篇四

My friend is Li Xiang. She's eleven years old. She's a student. Her eyes are small. Her nose is small, too. Hua Zhenxian is my friend, too. She's eleven years old, too. She's a student. Her mouth is small. Her eyes are small.

I like my good friends.


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