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友谊friendship英语作文 篇一

in college, it is common to see friendship among boys and girls. what is difficult is how to deal with personal contacts between different sexes. the key is to differentiate between love and friendship.

friendship is the basic need of human feehngs. friendship may lead to love. but love does not certainly come from friendship. friendship is the foundation of love, no love is true without friendship.

love is selfish and exclusive, while friendship is selfless and extensive. love is not necessarily to be returned. but friendship needs a contraet and something in exchange.

i believe there exists pure friendship between sexes. sometimes the power of frienship surpasses the power of love. there may be misunderstanding and rumors even slanders about heterosexual frienship. in this world there are many inexplieicable things. actions speak louder than words.

友谊friendship英语作文 篇二

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

I had a really tough time learning English in the first year of my high school. Being extremely desperate, I would just have given it up if I had not received a timely help from my desk-mate, Jerry, who was then monitor of my class. Every time I felt puzzled about a long sentence, he gave me detailed explanation; every time I made a mistake in pronunciation, he helped me to correct it; every time I got a failing grade in exam, he encouraged me to preserve my confidence. It was just because of his care and support that I gradually made a progress and finally learned English well.

Just from that age, I have hold a firm belief that the significance of friendship can never be overstated. Just as Shakespeare puts it, "a faithful friend is the medicine of life."

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇三

I value friendship In complex life, there are two points to keep in mind: to eat for survival, and soul need friendship. Friendship is like colorful candy, always is permeated with in the heart.

Friend can encourage you to overcome difficulties, and can bring light to your life. Sometimes, you have to be with your friends, say thank you, thank you for they have been in the accompany you. There are some people who abandoned his friend for money and power. So completely wrong!

You should know: money and power to a temporary, and the true friendship is a lifetime. I hope this sentence, become everyone's creed! For me, no friends, no everything to me! Once upon a time, I have a very injury is rare. Friends in my side support me, give me compassion, encourage and true love, I slowly happy. That makes me realize, how much I happiness and luck! Without a friend, in my opinion, the one who is, won't be happy, not in adversity does not recognize friends. I will always cherish it from the bottom and the friend's friendship.

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇四

Everyone has his own think is the most precious thing: some people think that the most precious friendship; While some people believe that honesty is the most precious; Also some people think that the care of others is the most precious... But in my opinion, friendship is the most precious thing, anything also can't replace it.

On my birthday, my good friend Lin Lin came to me to her home to play. On the way to her, I secretly complacent: ha ha, she must know today is my birthday, so invite me to her home to play, then sing a "happy birthday" to me this song, and then gave me many nice present, and then share with me a big birthday cake, send you a message, be happy after the birthday... I still asleep in the middle of the "dream", was broken by a soul.but about beats to: "I wish you a happy birthday, Lin Lin!" When I heard those words, I suddenly thought of Lin Lin's birthday and I are on the same day. Well, it doesn't seem that they are likely to celebrate my birthday.

I looked at their pleasure, the in the mind very sad, I didn't think you don't care my birthday, only care about Lin Lin's birthday. I opened the Lin Lin's door, is preparing to leave, heard the sound of a lily: "the gift, wait!" My heart is a pleased, they prepare to give me a birthday present? I decide to wait. But wait until 4 o 'clock in the afternoon, also see them to celebrate my birthday.

I despair, such as after their good Lin Lin's birthday, I said also don't say left. That is, the house came the lily cries: "of course! The best program is left to the last! Now, let's celebrate the gift of birthday!" At that time, my hands appeared many fine gifts, they give me through a happy birthday.

Since then, I know what is the most precious in the world: friendship.

Friendship英语作文 篇五

The Olympic Games are the grand meetings for human beings. Every four years, people from different countries come to join in these magnificent sports meets. In the contests, athletes try their best to compete, to love, to learn and at the same time, to show the spirit of the Olympics--peace and friendship.

According to some historical materials, the spirit of peace and friendship can be traced back to the time when the Olympic was born. In ancient times, there were numbers of city-states in Greece. They fought frequently with each other in order to gain more land, property and to show the bravery of their soldiers, too. However, after years of wars, people were tired of fighting and killing, so they tried to use a new way to compete--that is the Olympic Games. All the city-states came to join in the sports contests, the soldiers who were chosen to compete did their utmost to win the competitions so as to gain honor for their city-states and to show respect to the gods they adored. During the competition time, all the fighting and conflicts between or among city-states must stop. As a result, the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.

Although the first ancient Olympic Games are remote from the modern time, the spirit of peace and friendship has passed down despite of the passage of time. It can be seen almost in every scene in the modern Olympic Games.

Do you still remember the opening ceremony of the 28th Athens Olympic Games? The athletes from Korea and South Korea stepped onto the track together--hand in hand. These two delegations showed their deep love between them in spite of the tense situation between the two governments. Their action strongly represented the spirit of the Olympics, peace and friendship touched all the peoples hearts.

Besides, in the final match of the mens horizontal bar, the sportsmanship that the Russian athlete Nemov showed also impressed us all. In that match, the umpires unfairly judged Nemov, so the spectator hissed for a long time to show their anger. The contest was interrupted. At that moment, Nemov, as a veteran athlete, came to the competition area again to calm down the spectator and helped the contest continue. His magnanimity won the acclamation of people and once more showed the spirit of the Olympics--Friend ship first, competition second.

The 28th Olympic Games were over, but the influence they brought to the world would last for a long time. After the Olympics, we should ponder over it: Were the spirit of Olympics ended with the Games? Shouldnt the spirit of peace and friendship last not only in the Olympics but also in the daily life? Nowadays, the conflicts exist in many areas of the world, if all the people can follow the spirit of the Olympics, we surely can bring peace back to these places. Why dont we try?

Let the spirit of the Olympics last for ever!

Friendship英语作文 篇六

Friendship is one of the GREatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial, he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We must choose someone who has a good character, whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart. We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune.

A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she won’t tell anyone else. Friends share each other’s joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you. In conclusion, when you have made a good friend, don’t forget him or her.

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇七

Some people say that friendship wind, like a cloud, as the years pass, it will slowly fade away.

Others said, the friendship, however, such as the sea, and through the test of time, it will become deeper and more heavy.

Friendship is an intimate friendship, help each other to develop ideas, to success; And give a person with aggravation of hope and strength, add to the warmth of life.

As the growth of the age, I gradually found that interpersonal relationship is very complicated. Whenever meet embarrassing, I always want to a problem: friendship really can forever?

Some people, the mouth moment to say: "for the sake of friendship can sacrifice everything." But quite differ to do and say. He is narrow-minded, once a friend gave him a joke, or where is misunderstood, will be opposite.

True friendship is hard-won, so need more understanding between friends and love, let us common cultivation of the flower of friendship! Irrigation it with pure soul, it with warm sunshine, let the friendship forever.

Friendship英语作文 篇八

Today, I will talk about two students. They did a brave thing.

Wei Ziyue and Mou Sijin are the students from a middle school. On April 10, Senior high school entrance examination of PE took place in their school. The two students are in Junior 3, this is a vital exam for them. When the test of running started, one of their classmates, Tan Yuqiao, fell on the ground. Many students wanted to lift her up, but it could spend more time in getting the finish. However, Wei and Mou ran to their classmate and lifted her up. Although they got worse scores; their school thought they did the correct thing, so they had a special chance to go to the good senior schools.

Firstly, they preferred to choose friendship rather than achievements; this is one of the most admirable things I think. The achievements are very important to them, but they still thought helping people which lived with them for three years, is better. They did a noble thing. Secondly, I think theyre brave, too. Maybe when some people meet the things like this, they will think to do something like the two girls did, but just think. Most of the people dont have enough courage to do this.

All in all, the choice from the affection between classmates moved us all. They are the greatest students I have ever seen.

描写友谊的英语作文friendship 篇九

Friendship is essential for the existence of society. People live in munities and work in co-operation so that they could protect themselves from nature. The successful acplishment of any task calls for support from many people. It's the friends who are willing to help us. Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts.

In the widest sense, all people are friends. People live in a mon society, co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time. From this respective, anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree. And it's this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though petition is universal.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Unfortunately, people are so plex in the modern society due to various reasons. Sometimes, we don't really know who are our real friends. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship. That is to say, in hard times, it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not. No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave you alone and will always be with you.

Friendship英语作文 篇十

Today, I will talk about something about friendship.

I hold that friendship is a necessity in life. Of course, the majority of people will agree with me.

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends. It plays an important role in our daily life.

Friendship not only brings us a lot of happiness, b(转载于 m 书 业 网)ut also reduces the sense of loneliness. Because friendship is a basic source of hope in our lives .For example, when we are happy, we can share our feelings with friends; When we are sad, friends are good listeners who can give us suggestions to make us get rid of it, if we are in trouble, we can turn to friends for help, friends will surround us and friends will offer us support and encouragement.

Every one of us needs friends, so that we can depend on each other. People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise. In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two persons. But the supporting and understanding of each other does seem to a powerful bond, which can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers of age, class or race.

In terms of real friendship, true friends share not only joy, but more often they share sorrow. As we get to know people, we take things into account, like age, race, economic conditions, social position, and intelligence. To the true friendship, these factors are not of prime importance. Close friends just have similar ideas and beliefs and have attitudes and interests in common.

Friendship is also a bridge between people to communicate with each others, which let us understand each other better. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. Different people will make our minds more advanced and mature.

To me, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, we will be denyed with fortunate and happiness. Therefore, I think friendship is necessity in our daily life.

Thats all. Thank you.


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