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出国留学英语作文 篇一

Nowadays, as the increase of people’s income and the far-reaching impact of economic globalization, many more parents send their children to study abroad. Some people have achieved in foreign countries while some put themselves into troubles. Therefore, is it good or bad for people to study abroad?


In my opinion, if conditions permit, students can study abroad after graduation from university or college. Firstly, from primary school to senior school, students are restrained by schools, teachers and parents. Some students even can’t take care of themselves, so they will be in trouble after go abroad. Secondly, after four years’ college life in domestic, students are mature in mental and independent enough to deal with their own things well. They will meet fewer challenges overseas.


From the discussion above, I approve of studying abroad after graduation from college. After all, the education in many countries is more advanced than China.


出国留学英语作文 篇二

Nowadays,many students went abroad to study.

Here are the disadvantages of going abroad.Firstly,students will be confronted with so many psychological problems.They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment.Furthermore,the tuition is very high,which is a very heavy financial burden to the average people.

But we also have many advantages of going abroad.It widens students" knowledge and horizons,and meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities.And studying abroad can provide a good language environment to students and make it easy to pick up a language.Foreign language is a tool employed to communicate with each other.It can remove language barrier and make international cooperation much easier.

All in all,the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages abroad,we can learn a lot.It is a good opportunity to enrich ourselves.

Studying abroad is vevy good to learn a foreign language and it offers good language enviroment.middle school student is too young to go abroad,they have little experience about social life.

出国留学英语作文 篇三

The past few decades have witnessed rapid globalization, with an unprecedented number of students flocking to foreign countries in pursuit of a better education. However, studying abroad can be full of challenges.

One of the major challenges is that the cost of studying overseas is quite high. The pressure of the exceedingly high tuition fees and living expenses can be so heavy that only a minority of families could shoulder. In addition, to study abroad means to be far away from home for a long time. Homesickness may come along with the separation from their family members, which would easily result in some psychological problems, such as being solitary and gloomy. Thirdly, living in a foreign country, students are exposed to a totally different culture. This could lead to communication barriers, and those who study abroad may find themselves difficult to integrate into the local community.

There is no doubt that overseas students are confronted with several challenges. In order to benefit from overseas education, they should get themselves ready before going abroad.




出国留学英语作文 篇四

The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education. My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family: Why? Why should I borrow a huge sum of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experience that those who stay at home will never have.

First, experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. While a person can study a foreign language at home, the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Living in English-speaking countries such as America and Australia for several years, for example, my English will be as perfect as native speakers.

Second, living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas and values. This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light.

Third, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is helpful. A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty——difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone. Yet, the difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock, is a rewarding experience for ones future life and development of personality.

Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained, but the experience desirable in ones personal life.

出国留学英语作文 篇五


Reading ten thousand books is better than walking ten thousand miles.


With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people are not satisfied with the status quo. In the past, parents didn't attach great importance to their children's learning. Now, looking at China's vast land, I want to ask: whose parents are not looking forward to their children and their daughters. So, of course, parents with unlimited expectations are willing to spend a lot of money to let their children travel thousands of miles - to see a lot, and then become the dragon wind among people.


Studying abroad has become the most popular wave of people nowadays.


I remember that I once saw a little story in a magazine: a rich father, in order to let his playful and illiterate son improve, also joined the wave. He went through the formalities for his son and sent his precious son abroad. But a few years later, when his father saw his son who was looking forward to the stars and the moon, he was indifferent and regretful. Is this westernized, arrogant and conceited son he has spent a lot of money on? How can he know how his son spends money like water across the ocean? Even foreign students say he is rich. It can be imagined that his son never understood the father's good intentions. In that free and open country, his thoughts had been distorted and melted into the muddy water of the society.


The old father's weather beaten face, with those once full of how many eager eyes to gaze at the front of the fashion avant-garde, the whole body of foreign strange son, muddy tears blurred his eyes. I imagine this picture, this sad scene, the sadness of China. These foolish parents have no idea that not everyone can go the way of studying abroad, let alone everyone can. It needs a strong will to resist the temptation of the colorful world abroad; it needs a sense of patriotism and a healthy attitude under the pressure of foreign racial discrimination; it needs the traditional virtue of diligence and simplicity, not comparing with people's material poverty and wealth, but proving the ability of Chinese people with excellent studies. Only those who have these conditions will be able to make remarkable achievements abroad, be recognized and appreciated by foreigners, and create great wealth for their beloved motherland when they return to China.

“外国的东西,就是比中国的好。”人们似乎都盲目的相信了这句话,仿佛只要沾上了‘进口’这两个字,就可以在国人的面前耀武扬威,洋洋自得一翻。于是,这就对于那些爱‘摆阔气’、‘要面子’的人来说,送子女出国留学,又 这样,出国留学的旋风就更是以无人阻挡的魅力席卷中国。并从一开始的大学生出国到现在的高中生,初中生,甚至还有更小的,年龄日趋低龄化。他们大都是怀着好奇的新鲜感迈出了国门,带着同龄人的羡慕,父母的期望去了另一个陌生的国度的,却怀着满心的喜悦和满足。而在这个人群里,中学生就占了很大的比例。

"Foreign things are better than Chinese ones." People seem to believe this sentence blindly. It seems that as long as we stick to the word "import", we can boast in front of the Chinese people. Therefore, for those who love to "show off" and "show face", sending their children to study abroad is undoubtedly the best way for them to show their economic strength. In this way, the whirlwind of studying abroad is sweeping China with unstoppable charm. And from the beginning of college students going abroad to the present high school students, junior high school students, and even smaller, the age is becoming younger. Most of them walked out of the country with a sense of curiosity and freshness, with the envy of their peers and the expectation of their parents to go to another strange country, but with full joy and satisfaction. In this group, middle school students account for a large proportion.


It is undeniable that the romantic and mysterious world outside is full of too many temptations for our middle school students. The United States has strong economic strength and the most advanced science and technology in the world; the United Kingdom has ancient and romantic exotic and charming scenery; Italy has beautiful cities and countless delicious food; Australia, Germany, Japan, Singapore These countries with different characteristics make countless middle school students yearn for and look forward to.

我自己也是一名普通的中学生,我也渴望去国外。在风景秀丽的迈阿密留下身影;在蓝色梦幻般的夏威夷海滩上烙上足迹;在浪漫的艺术之都巴黎,寻找那个真实的自己……然而,我不能,但是我并不羡慕那些可以出国的同龄人。不 绚丽斑斓的世界我们还抵挡不住;种族歧视带来的心灵伤害我们承受不了;美妙高消费的生活会使我们迷失方向,在也找不到自己。名誉,利益,享受,玩乐……所有的这些腐蚀人类灵魂的恶魔,会泛滥成灾,我们圣洁的人性也会被虚伪罩上厚重的外套。我们也许就会变成那个父亲的儿子,那个同样是中学生出国留学的鲜明事例的第一个,第二个,第三个……第万个。

I am also an ordinary middle school student, and I am eager to go abroad. Stay in the beautiful Miami, burn your footprints on the blue dreamlike Hawaiian Beach, and look for the real yourself in the romantic art capital Paris However, I can't, but I don't envy those peers who can go abroad. Not only because this is a large sum of money, but also because we are really too small. We can't resist the gorgeous world; we can't bear the mental injury brought by racial discrimination; we can't find ourselves in the wonderful and high consumption life. Reputation, interest, enjoyment, play All these demons that corrode the human soul will be overrun, and our holy human nature will be covered with a heavy coat of hypocrisy. We may become the son of that father, which is also the first, second, third The first ten thousand.


Pure and serious life is still waiting for us. Why lose the direction and oneself for a world of pattern. Open the heart window, see a blue, a fresh, a belong to their own world, this is not better.


It has its disadvantages for middle school students to go abroad, but we still have to polish our eyes to see its advantages. It can help us broaden our horizons, increase our knowledge and enrich our lives. If we middle school students want to consider going abroad, we must contact our own reality. And learn from Qian Xuesen. For the benefit of the motherland, he gave up his generous salary abroad and chose the poor and backward motherland at that time. Or, like Xu Beihong, the art master of that generation, he still picked up the brush to draw after returning home and was not affected by the distribution of foreign paintings. Sun Yat Sen, Zhou Enlai If today's middle school students can be like them, then parents can safely send their children to study abroad. But it's a pity that there are so few middle school students now. Rather than let their immature wings fly into the sky prematurely, it's better to train them carefully and strictly in China, let them have a pair of strong wings, take off in the blue sky of China, roam in the world's national forest, and become the real dragon wind among people.


From this point of view, it is true that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for middle school students to go abroad.


The world is constantly moving forward. Every day, we need more excellent talents. In the future, China will surely enter the ranks of advanced countries. At that time, foreigners will rush onto the express train to study in China, and become a fashion sweeping across the country.


We, the master of China, are very proud to tell them: "when you have full wings and vigorous wings, welcome to the sky of China - Soaring - soaring."

出国留学英语作文 篇六

In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of schloars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad.

Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.

However,studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these,the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad.


在国外上学有很多好处。首先,出国留学的学生可 其次,我们可以从国外学到更多先进的科学技术知识。第三,我们可以享受接触新的和不同的文化,从而增加我们自己的文化意识。第四,我们可以更快地学习一门外语。


英语作文出国留学 篇七

Studying in ones home country offers unique benefits. For example, the home country provides best education in some subject that other countries do no offer. However, it is important to study overseas for at least part of ones higher education. By studying abroad, students can acquire a new language, get to know another culture, and pursue good programs. The most obvious advantage of studying overseas is learning a new language. It is important to be bilingual or even multilingual nowadays. For example, international communication is essential for our global economy. For many students who choose to study in English-speaking countries, they can easily pick up English if they are actively engaged in speaking English. Even for those who have had a good grasp of English in reading and writing, they can still improve their spoken English after exposure to an English-speaking environment. As important as learning a new language is becoming acquainted with a new culture. Cultures differ from one another and they are even diametrically opposite on some points. By studying overseas, students become familiar with other ways of life and learn to respect them. For example, to students from some cultures, privacy is a relatively new concept. The students may choose to tell their course grades to their classmates in the foreign country and ask them for similar information. In turn, they may feel disappointed or even shocked to receive no answer and be told that this is privacy. After a while, however, they have a better understanding of the concept of pervasive privacy in the foreign country. Last but not least, we are able to undertake excellent programs in the foreign country where we choose to study. Some programs may not be available in the students home country. For example, a student who is interested in American literature may find that no university in his or her country offers this program. Other programs are available in the students home country offers this program. Other programs are available in the students home country but not on a par with similar programs in a foreign country. This can be illustrated by MBA programs of American universities. A number of countries offer MBA programs, but many think that American universities offer the best MBA programs .This accounts for the fact that the majority of MBA holders have obtained the degree from American universities. Studying abroad can be rewarding. Not only can students acquire a new language and know more about a different culture, but they can pursue excellent programs as well. Indeed, studying in a foreign country is a worthwhile experience.


出国留学英语作文 篇八

Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of one’s college education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different ways.

One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today’s fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.

Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other people and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.

When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to experiment with different ways of doing things. We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings.

Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal sense.






出国留学英语作文 篇九

studying abroad or home

(1) 现在有越来越多的人想出国留学。

(2) 出国留学与在国内学习的对比。

(3) 你的观点

nowadays, with the development of science and technology, moreandmorepeople want to study abroad. there are students from colleges and universities, from the middle schools, from the primary schools, and people from all walks of life. what difference does it makebetween studying abroad and studying home ?

though many students are crazy about going abroad to pursue their higher education, i think studying home is preferable. for one thing, you don’t have to take foreign language tests such as toefl and gre . this can save you a tremendous amount of time, money and effort, allowing much of your energy to be devoted to your academic foals. in addition, if you study home ,you can stay with your family and old friends. meanwhile , while studying home ,you can enjoy the kind of intimate friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university , where you will be accompanied by your own shadow most of the time. for these reasons, pursuing one’s higher education at home is a more realistic and sensible choice.

in a word, i prefer to study home.

出国留学英语作文 篇十

If I study abroad, I think it is a good opportunity for me, maybe my life will be different. I have been able to study in a very good environment, learning those different teaching methods and different national culture, which not only expanded my horizon, but also let me learn different social experience.

If I study abroad, I will go to the birthplace of another culture so that I can further understand the difference with Chinese culture, I will learn some new things, I know how to better communicate with foreigners, and how to do something close to perfection. It makes me calm. It makes me calm. A strange city, a completely different life, some strange faces and a lonely life, I will not lack of friends, I can use their own efforts to get to know those different skin, different culture of friends. It gives me courage, it gives me confidence, I will find ways to solve difficult problems. Thats the experience I got from coming to another place.

If I study abroad, without the help of my family, you need to rely on yourself to change. Whenever I have trouble, I will tell myself not to call my parents, I dont want to put my difficulties on my parents, it will make them worry, in my life, it is some problems that I have never experienced. It is their existence that I am not afraid of blows, and through these problems, like a tree that thrives under the moisture of the sun, I become strong.

On the other hand, studying abroad makes me learn a lot. Let me see that my life in the same world is different. With my friends hand in hand, let my friendship be better beautified, the arrival of success, rang the bell of my life.

It takes something for me to buy the gift of success. I will prove my income after studying abroad with my own actions. I firmly believe that if I study abroad, the future will be different.






出国留学英语作文 篇十一

nowadays,with the development of science and technology,moreandmorepeople want to study abroad.there are students from colleges and universities,from the middle schools,from the primary schools,and people from all walks of life.what difference does it makebetween studying abroad and studying home?

though many students are crazy about going abroad to pursue their higher education,i think studying home is preferable.for one thing,you don’t have to take foreign language tests such as toefl and gre .this can save you a tremendous amount of time,money and effort,allowing much of your energy to be devoted to your academic foals.in addition,if you study home ,you can stay with your family and old ,while studying home ,you can enjoy the kind of intimate friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university ,where you will be accompanied by your own shadow most of the time.for these reasons,pursuing one’s higher education at home is a more realistic and sensible choice.

in a word,i prefer to study home.

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