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高中英语作文 篇一

In the past,the housing conditions in our city were rather poor.A lot of families had to live in one room which was their bedroom,dining-room as well as drawing-room.There was no toilet and kitchen.Sometimes,we could find that in a flat with one bedroom and a living-room lived three generations.

Now many new blocks of flats have been set up and some more are under upon row of shabby,low and old houses are pulled down.There are some streets lined with completely new of thousands of families have moved into their new all of those new flats have gas cookers and radiators provided by central heating.

As far as we know,new blocks of flats are also taking the place of humble old houses in other cities.The changes of the housing conditions in our city as well as other cities are the result of the rapid development of our economics.

高中英语作文 篇二

one sunday morning,there were some people in zhongshan park. at a stand, a woman was buying an ice-cream when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. she shouted, "stop,thief! hes snatched my bag! "heating this, a few people began to run after him. there was an old man sitting quietly on a bench nearby.

as the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatchers legs. the young man fell down on the ground heavily. soon two policemen came in a police car and arrested him. the woman thanked the old man,and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness.



高中英语作文 篇三

The Danger of Fake Commodities

Today, fake commodities are quite common. In order to get high profits, some factories and companies produce fake commodities. Another cause of this phenomenon is that laws are not strict enough. Fake commodities can bring about great loss to both state and private property. A case in point is that if a consumer buys some fake medicine he will inevitably suffer much pain. The fake medicine may even cost his life.

So every one of us has the duty to fight against fake commodities for our society and for ourselves.




高中英语作文 篇四

August, September and October are the months of kites flying, because the wind blows north-westwards. During these months, many Wonderful kites are flying in the blue sky.

One day as the school was over, Qin Bo, my classmate, called me accompanying him to have kite flying at the big grass field. I had not been flown kite for a long time. So I promised him at last, when I reached there at five, I found him waiting for me.

Many boys were flying their kites higher in the sky. They were excited when they found their kites win another’s. They shouted with joy and jumped up and down.

Not long after, Qin Bo’s kite was in the sky, but mine was not. I was so disappointed that I wanted to give up. But I thought how disgraceful I was. So I asked Qin Bo to exchange the kites. Oh! His kite was wonderful. It was so light that it flow higher than the kites of all. He told me why my kite could not fly because it was maderoughly; the head was heavy, and the end was light, I agreed and made up my mind to make a new kne that would fly high in the sky.

高中英语作文 篇五

With the fragrance of the soil, and the hard sweat, look!Farmland is grateful, and all kinds of vegetables in the vegetable garden are fascinating in the orchard, which is the result of farmers' work.Accompanied by a loud reading, and this selfless dedication, hey!The classroom is a god of gods, and the playground is a lot of dragons. The event class is a big magic, which is the result of the hard work of gardeners.With the rumbling robots, strictly taking the heat, see!A high-rise building has been pulled up, and a railway is innectatally, and a road is four-way, which is the result of hard work of the builders.It is the laborer on the front lines and supports our food and clothing with both hands.It is their silent dedication, watering the wisdom, cultivating the pillars of countless construction of the motherland.

It is their wisdom and hands to make China stand in the forest of the world.Write a piece of work with the best work.


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