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寒假生活英语日记 篇一

The most interesting thing in the winter vacation is that my father and I set off fireworks on the fifteenth day of the first month, which is absolutely interesting! Now I want to laugh. You must also want to know. Now let me tell you!

It was the night of the 15th of the first lunar month. The whole family went to the stadium to watch the lights. Only my father and I didn't go because we were going to set off fireworks. It was not easy to wait until more than seven o'clock. My father and I got dressed and went down to set off fireworks. First, we put on fireworks. After lighting, with a few loud bangs, the fireworks rose to the sky. How beautiful! And each time they were different colors! Then, Dad took out another kind of small fireworks, which could also rise to the sky, but it was not as spectacular as the fireworks. Dad lit one first, and then threw it into the sky. The small fireworks first fell down, and then slowly rose to the sky, and stayed in the sky for about two or three seconds. With a bang, it also revealed colorful colors, which could be comparable to the fireworks, but the quality was too poor, and twelve were put, Almost half of them didn't rise to the sky, and some didn't even explode. Then my father and I put another kind of flower (I forgot the specific name), which is also very interesting. The way of playing is to hold it in hand first, then light it, and throw it out, and then you can release beautiful fireworks. My father also invented a special throwing method, first shake it twice, and then throw it out from the gap between two legs, let alone, The height of the fireworks flying out in this way is much higher than that of the ordinary throwing method, but this method has also caused many problems: after Dad threw it, the fireworks almost exploded in Dad's car, and once exploded at the unit door, and once, Dad didn't throw it, but he didn't know. Fortunately, I reminded him, otherwise it would explode on his hand.

This is the most interesting thing in my winter vacation. Is it interesting? What about you?

寒假生活英语日记 篇二

Winter fun are countless, the last thing that impressed me most is the new year. It was a busy morning, the little bird had just been asked by the sun and the sun. On a very busy market, people laughing, everywhere is a beaming, the land put on new clothes, red like a red dress. Crackling, what sound is it? Oh Is the original 'happy Symphony', street upload times children's laughter, the market is crowded with people, next to endure crowded crowded. The cars on the road running, the little swallow circling, twittering in the sky, what is it doing? It played spring praise for everyone!

Mom took me to squeeze into the bustling market, to visit relatives, relatives of domesticated a chubby little guy, she is very naughty, don't stop with a small beat my face, nails is not cut, she and I played the many interesting games. For example: cat and mice, monkeys on the tree...

I can't forget this interesting thing.





英语寒假生活日记 篇三

Winter vacati[www.haozuowen.net]on day, sunny, cloudless. I decided to bask in the sun on the balcony and cut a dish of fruit for my mother. Tangent, my hand suddenly slipped and fell into the hands of a fruit knife to the window.

What can I do about it? I froze. Then mom came up from behind and said, "you can't get it with a stick.". He did, I quickly took a stick to the balcony. But every time I got it, it fell off again, and it worried me very badly!

Adults do not always say impatient, can not eat hot tofu? So, I started to think, and suddenly an idea jumped out of my head. The fruit knife is made of iron. How about sucking the fruit knife with iron? So I took a piece of iron and stuck it on a stick. Soon, the fruit knife was sucked on me. I cried happily.

From this incident, I learned a truth: no matter what difficulties encountered, as long as willing to use their brains, you will certainly overcome it.

寒假生活英语日记 篇四

My new year's resolution the new year is coming and i have lots of resolutions in the new year. i am going to eat less meat and more vegetables so that i can become healthier and healthier. Also i am going to exercise more .Because it can make my body stronger and stronger. i am going to take part in some activities which can let me get more knowledge. Oh,the good year,i can't wait.


英语寒假生活日记 篇五

The end of the tension test, began a happy winter vacation. Mother, in order to let me relax, take me to the food market, and let me have a long time. As soon as I heard the news, I jumped three feet high.

Morning, just opened a thick fog in the market has been opened, noisy. The vendor's cries, the bicycle's rings, the bargaining voices of the people, they seem to be beating notes, forming a beautiful symphony.

Everything in the market is full of everything. You see something really fresh vegetable area, red radish, green spinach, white lotus, tomato blush, like a shy little girl

More aquatic area seafood, shrimp and shrimp are alive and kicking dogs, just caught fish, octopus hypertrophy people looked at DC slobber oh!

She picked up some celery, beans and tofu, and bought shrimp and octopus and meat. I asked my mother why every kind was bought. My mother told me that today buy these dishes of different nutrition, are needed for the body, meat and vegetables are also to collocation, are indispensable, so the body will eat well.

I see. So much attention has been paid to buying food. I grew up today.

英语寒假生活日记 篇六

When I was in Longgang, I often saw people walking dogs with their pets, and I sometimes envied them.

Grandpa grandma returned to Hunan during the winter vacation, my grandparents both dogs have a cat, it's not my pet dog barked at me is not close to it, I can't take it out of the dog, then had to walk the cat.

This afternoon, when I said I was going out for a walk, grandma quickly put a thick rope around the cat's neck, so I took the cat and walked around the open space in front of the house.

Walking, I took the cat as a motorcycle and ran very fast. In fact, the kitten runs really fast. After a few laps, I was sweating all over. Mom saw, smiled and said, "did you walk the cat hard, or did the kitten make you tired?" I'm happy to say: Although I'm sweating profusely, but the cat can bring me happiness!

英语寒假生活日记 篇七

my winter vacation life, more is the joy of helping others. The weather wasn't so bad. I was going to go roller skating, and I saw a little girl sliding too, and there was an adult beside me, but I couldn't skate. I slipped forward, grabbed her hand, taught her how to stand, after standing, she could slip a little bit, and the little girl's face was filled with a happy smile. I just did a little thing, but it made me feel so happy with her, which made me enjoy the joy of helping others. Maybe it was the same feeling when Uncle Lei Feng helped people!

英语日记寒假生活 篇八

In the winter holiday, we came to lianyungang. Today, my father took me, my mother, my sister, uncle and aunt to the seaside in lianyungang. On that day, the wind was so strong that we all took our hats and went to the seaside. Look at the rolling water, how beautiful it is! Dad took the camera down from the car and took a picture of us.

We got into the car again, and all of a sudden, my sister and I shouted, "seagulls! I see the seagulls! Adults also looked out of the window, so many seagulls flying around the sea, lianyungang sea is really beautiful ah!

英语寒假生活日记 篇九

It's already late at 3, and I'm still sitting at the computer and typing. Outside, it was already dark, and I couldn't help feeling: "what night is there? What night is there?" but only a few people, like my ears. "

I feel so good now. I don't want to sleep. I've just written my homework. I'm just going to come over and do some writing. What a pity, how many people like me? Looking out of the window and feeling empty, the world is so quiet, so quiet and uncomfortable. I seem to have heard the call of a bug, but it's impossible, but I did hear it. Think I can book the sentence to explain: "there is a subtle sound in the ears, and the &hellip is far and near;" night, sitting in a chair beside the desk lamp, only accompany me, seem like very lonely, but the living room clock "tick" sound makes me sound the feeling is wonderful melody. It's so quiet, Dad turns over and breaks the silence … if there's a cup of coffee, it's too bad. But the stillness of the night is also precious. Enough of the city's noise and noise, and now listen to the quiet of the night, people have a sense of non speech,

英语寒假生活日记 篇十

Every time I go back to my hometown, there's always a bunch of animals that have a lot to do with me, and my relationship becomes very bad. It makes me sad.

Back to grandma's house, grandma's big dog was very kind to me. But somehow, this winter vacation will not drink, I close. I thought grandma was not at home for a few days, and the dog was a little lonely. But not like that. Because even if I run to the dog, I'll run away. I can't get my dog back in any way. Strangely, I did some action, and if I was seen, the dog would run away. And I can run very far. I can't catch it no matter how hard it is.

I'm so sad, but there's nothing I can do about it!

英语日记寒假生活 第十一篇

Today, my grandmother and I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Grandma in the market, bought some bamboo shoots and potatoes, we walked while watched again. I saw a buy bullfrog, just call my grandmother bought me a. We continue to go forward again, see there is a fruit shop, my grandmother said: "let's buy a cane." just want to buy, I saw the shop's sugar cane is bad, the grandmother also saw said: "your sugar cane how do ah" then I said to my grandmother so bad things, we don't buy it.

英语寒假生活日记 第十二篇

In the US, also have some small or taking place: the students because many operations and changxuduantan; complaining because of poor grades; two students and an honour to win bukekaijiao; dinner queue caused outrage … … these phenomena, some of us have heard, some have seen more. In our own happened. In the face of this, I can attribute it to one reason, namely, “ the heart is not quiet, ”。 Just imagine, if we are to quiet the mind to face every day, with a smile the face of everything, heart no resentment and rapid, but calm and happy, this is what the &ldquo does not; ” harmony. The salesman received counterfeit money, she learned a lesson; to the coffee shop owners who discuss the payment issues, admire each other's intellect became friends; hatred of the two sides similar association, but found that is a misunderstanding of … … we patiently and carefully written work, all of our efforts; progress. That will not regret; we voted, although there is only one good, in our hearts there are two; lined up, one will be to your son. So, people have a comfortable smile when they see each other, friends, everywhere. A nearly ideal harmonious society has been established quietly!

寒假生活英语日记 第十三篇

During the winter vacation, my mother took me and Xiao Xiangwen to the Fantasy Snow Festival.

The three of us walked happily inside. It was really lively. There were Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat and Grey Wolf dancing. Some people are skating, others are playing in the Happy Castle. Others are playing CS on the ice. I saw the game, and I especially like the game. Every time I see the game on TV, I love watching it. I wish I could attend one. I told my mother this idea. Mom said you should have courage to play this, do you dare? I said, "Dare!" My mother bought me a ticket. There were so many people playing this game, so I waited in line. After waiting for a long time, it was my turn finally. I slowly climbed onto the tripod. It was easy to watch from below. I was really scared when I went up. When I moved, the tripod would sway, and I would lie down on the top and dare not move. My mother said below: "Tian Tian, come on, don't be afraid, slowly climb over, don't move fast, and grasp the balance, Just move forward step by step. "Xiao Xiangwen also shouted to cheer me on. I listened to my mother's words and gathered up courage to move forward slowly. My mother was right. Don't panic. My two feet moved forward slowly, and my upper body moved forward again. Soon I climbed over. In the part of the long rope, because my strength was small, my hands were weak, I didn't grasp the rope, and fell down. Although I didn't succeed in the final challenge, I worked hard, and I defeated myself. I still won Mom applauded.

In fact, it is not difficult to do anything, as long as you work hard and master good skills, you can succeed!

英语日记寒假生活 第十四篇

Today, I went to my grandmother's home with my favorite racing car and my parents. When I arrived at my grandmother's house, I had a meal, and then I went to play with my brother next door.

We play racing game, suddenly my brother's car crashed into the wall, his car was wrecked, brother wept bitterly. I immediately went over and told him: "brother, don't cry, I give you work." I'll bring my old car, help brother repairing the car. I can fix the brother's car didn't take long, after repair the car run faster, brother looked at me and give him repaired car smiled happily. We can play together again.

Finally, my mother said to me, you are so capable, you will repair the car yourself, and help your brother very actively.


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