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寒假生活英语日记 篇一

July 13

It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In summer holidays, I will have a good rest.



寒假生活英语日记 篇二

"I looked up and down, left and right, and you finally arrived in the winter vacation." I hummed a little song and felt very happy. After many exams, I finally ushered in a one-month winter holiday!

Winter vacation shot - overjoyed

Before the winter holiday, there is always a big hurdle to pass - the final exam. God is unfair. My parotitis is in hospital for one month, that is to say, I have missed one month's course. Can I do well in the exam? With anxiety, I finished the exam. I told myself again and again when I handed out the paper: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. But the heart still beats hard. Once again, I received the test paper with anxiety. oh my god! Unexpectedly, it was in the top ten! Look at the surprised eyes of the students. I am secretly proud.

Winter vacation shot - extreme happiness begets sorrow

When I saw the winter vacation homework list, my heart was half cold: practice 8 words every day, four times each word; Five compositions, no less than 500 words; Complete the winter vacation exercise book; Write ten oral arithmetic questions, four written arithmetic questions, two equations and two application questions every day; Complete 9 papers... God, how come the homework is twice that of last year. Asked the teacher, the teacher slowly replied, "How old are you this year and last year?" Silently, holding the winter vacation homework sheet silently, he walked out of the classroom without tears.

Winter vacation shot - happy

"Baby, come and see, it's snowing!" Hearing my mother calling me, I ran to the window. It's really snowing! Snow, pure as a fairy, fluttered to the ground and cleaned the world inside and outside. The whole world is wrapped in silver. "Hoo" I looked out of the window and took a deep breath. The air was s≮www.haozuowen.net≯o fresh, with a little sweet smell of snow. Everything is so beautiful! "Yang Lijing, come down and make a snowman." My friend has already called me to make a snowman. Don't tell you, make a snowman!

The whole winter vacation, although there were joys and sorrows, was very wonderful. I really hope it will continue like this!

英语寒假生活日记 篇三

In the US, also have some small or taking place: the students because many operations and changxuduantan; complaining because of poor grades; two students and an honour to win bukekaijiao; dinner queue caused outrage … … these phenomena, some of us have heard, some have seen more. In our own happened. In the face of this, I can attribute it to one reason, namely, “ the heart is not quiet, ”。 Just imagine, if we are to quiet the mind to face every day, with a smile the face of everything, heart no resentment and rapid, but calm and happy, this is what the &ldquo does not; ” harmony. The salesman received counterfeit money, she learned a lesson; to the coffee shop owners who discuss the payment issues, admire each other's intellect became friends; hatred of the two sides similar association, but found that is a misunderstanding of … … we patiently and carefully written work, all of our efforts; progress. That will not regret; we voted, although there is only one good, in our hearts there are two; lined up, one will be to your son. So, people have a comfortable smile when they see each other, friends, everywhere. A nearly ideal harmonious society has been established quietly!

寒假生活英语日记 篇四

During the winter vacation, my mother took me and Xiao Xiangwen to the Fantasy Snow Festival.

The three of us walked happily inside. It was really lively. There were Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat and Grey Wolf dancing. Some people are skating, others are playing in the Happy Castle. Others are playing CS on the ice. I saw the game, and I especially like the game. Every time I see the game on TV, I love watching it. I wish I could attend one. I told my mother this idea. Mom said you should have courage to play this, do you dare? I said, "Dare!" My mother bought me a ticket. There were so many people playing this game, so I waited in line. After waiting for a long time, it was my turn finally. I slowly climbed onto the tripod. It was easy to watch from below. I was really scared when I went up. When I moved, the tripod would sway, and I would lie down on the top and dare not move. My mother said below: "Tian Tian, come on, don't be afraid, slowly climb over, don't move fast, and grasp the balance, Just move forward step by step. "Xiao Xiangwen also shouted to cheer me on. I listened to my mother's words and gathered up courage to move forward slowly. My mother was right. Don't panic. My two feet moved forward slowly, and my upper body moved forward again. Soon I climbed over. In the part of the long rope, because my strength was small, my hands were weak, I didn't grasp the rope, and fell down. Although I didn't succeed in the final challenge, I worked hard, and I defeated myself. I still won Mom applauded.

In fact, it is not difficult to do anything, as long as you work hard and master good skills, you can succeed!

英语寒假生活日记 篇五

Winter vacation day, sunny, cloudless. I decided to bask in the sun on the balcony and cut a dish of fruit for my mother. Tangent, my hand suddenly slipped and fell into the hands of a fruit knife to the window.

What can I do about it? I froze. Then mom came up from behind and said, "you can't get it with a stick.". He did, I quickly took a stick to the balcony. But every time I got it, it fell off again, and it worried me very badly!

Adults do not always say impatient, can not eat hot tofu? So, I started to think, and suddenly an idea jumped out of my head. The fruit knife is made of iron. How about sucking the fruit knife with iron? So I took a piece of iron and stuck it on a stick. Soon, the fruit knife was sucked on me. I cried happily.

From this incident, I learned a truth: no matter what difficulties encountered, as long as willing to use their brains, you will certainly overcome it.


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